1. Welcome & apologies for absence

Apologies – Kevin Reynard (KR), Ewan McCarthy (EM), Pauline McAdam (PM)

2. Register of interests – check & update

All present checked and signed the register of interests.


See separate minute

4. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 6th June 2018


5. Matters arising from previous meetings (not covered in the agenda below)

The S6D website now shows a vacancy for the Marketing Director and although there had been a post on the SOA website, no one has come forward. A fresh request will be published. Action: CM

All present were asked to try to identify a suitable person. Action: All

Score article about the allocation of funds to clubs has still to be written. Action: JM

6. Finance report (KR)

KR had provided a report by email though was unable to attend the meeting. He reported that Royal Deeside 2017 had made a surplus of £9,000. The profit for the year to 28 February 2018 was £51,000 with assets at year end amounting to £151,000.

It was suggested that some of the funds could be invested in longer term products. Action: KR.

It would be useful to be able to see how the funds have varied over a longer period, say 5 years. Action: KR

7. Risk Register

RW presented the updated Risk Register and highlighted the changes to the previous version.

2: Manpower – Can we reduce the requirements? The number of start locations is a major factor. It might be possible to use non-orienteering volunteers. Reducing the number of full days from 6 to 5 might help and would bring us into line with most multi day events. Check planners appreciate the manpower implications of multiple starts. Action TOB, CE

3: Low numbers. – Brexit may have a negative impact on foreign athlete attendance so more publicity may be needed. Do IOF try to coordinate dates of major multi-day events; CM to check.  Action: CM

18. Finance. – Should we have dual signatures on checks? There was uncertainty how this worked with online banking. RW to discuss with KR.  Action: RW, KR

The Risk Register should acknowledge the exposure of the company to problems with the 2022 WOC; financial, reputation, volunteer overload.

RW will update the document and circulate.  Action: RW

8. Strathearn 2019 – 28th July to 3rd August 2019

CM presented his report highlighting the following

It is hard to get landowners etc to commit on paper, but no problems expected. All maps ready and planners in place. Organisers and controllers are still required for some days.

Planners should be reassured that they do not have to take responsibility for limitations imposed by the venue and arena

It is likely that the entry cost will be increased from £17.50 to £20, in line with the increases of other events.

There have been difficulties getting quotes for some items. Limelight are not interested this time. Marquees are a problem. CM will contact SI to discuss multi event tendering.   Action: CM

There are still gaps in the COT, particularly marketing and string. A member of TAY is going to be approached to take on an Ambassadorial role, liaising with local residents etc. In 2017 this was referred to as Local Liaison and there is a report in Dropbox. The technical manual should be available at the start of October.

9. 2021 Six Days

CM presented his report highlighting the following:

Firm decision to go to Lochaber.

Coordinator still being sought – various people had been approached including a local contact.

Invite expressions of interest through SOA website for 2021 Coordinator. Action: CM

A large selection of possible areas has been identified and LIDAR is being used, at a cost to S6D of £8k.

INVOC and BASOC, perhaps with EckO and/or MOR could be the lead clubs.

10. Edinburgh WOC Sprints 2022

CM presented his report highlighting the following:

CM rather than IOF has been moving things forward.

There have been discussions about embargoes with areas and advice being tweaked and published on SOA/BOF and, thanks to Elizabeth Furness, on Eventor.

The program is still being discussed. Making best use of the weekend when English juniors and families can be present and allowing time to move arenas may be difficult to resolve with IOF’s preferences.

A company will be sought who will set up the website.

EUOC will be using a new area for the Big Weekend, away from embargoed areas.

DK, CM and SOA (Anne Hickling) will set up a steering group who will appoint an Event director and Finance director before other positions. The S6D directors will not be directly involved. Some arrangement for Colin’s time will be required.

11. SOA Events Manager

CM is working on the copyright of SOA area maps and the transfer of copyright of maps to clubs. TOB reminded the meeting that there are existing policies.

The SOA Operations team had just held a useful meeting working on the Competitions structure and drawing up proposals for expenditure

12. SOA business relevant to 6-Day Company

RO reported that problems with the accounts had been resolved and that plans were being made to invest some of the reserves in the sport.

Sport Scotland meeting had gone well and they support the use of the reserves and are likely to continue their support of Scottish Orienteering for the next four years. They were pleased that we could demonstrate the growth of membership.

The JK due to be in Scotland in 2022 will be deferred until 2026.

Staffing changes – Hilary Quick and Rhona Lindsay’s posts have been or will be advertised.

13. AOB


14. Future meeting dates

Wednesday 21 November 2018
Wednesday 20 March 2019.

The meeting closed at 8:30 pm