Scottish 6 Days Film

Scottish 6 days Film footage is now available! Fantastic footage of the day's events filmed by Karel Jonák of Gearbox Production.
Visit the Scottish 6 days YouTube Channel to re-live the best 6 days of orienteering ever!
Local Supporters
Discounts offered
The following local businesses are supporting Scottish 6 Days 2019 in Strathearn and offering discounts to participants.
Spot Prizes
During Strathearn 2019 Scottish 6 Days the organising committee introduced Spot prizes and 114 lucky competitors were winners. We want to thank the companies that donated spot prizes. All listed below.
View the full list of winners
Cloth Badges

Strathearn 2019 Scottish 6 Days
Cloth Points Award Badges
Gold, Silver and Bronze badges are gained by competitors who obtain an overall score equal to or less than the numbers shown on the table which depend on the class size.
The badges cost £4 and can be paid for by going to:
There will be no charge for posting.
Please contact Rona Molloy with details of what badge you would like and an address to post it to.
Rona Molloy – ...
Lost Property

The team at Scottish 6 days have collated a list of the 'LOST PROPERTY' Items, we have a detailed list below. If this belongs to you or your family can you please contact Rona and Jonathan:
Rona Molloy 07745 957326
Jonathan Molloy 07803 616471
Strathearn 2019 Scottish 6 Days Photography
We have had a great response regarding photography of each day, view the selection below:
Oscar Worth
Day 1 & 2
Andrew Johnson
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Crieff Sprint, Trail-O, Day 4, Day 6
Wendy Carlyle
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6 & Prize Giving
Steve Rush:
Day 1 part 1, Day 1 part 2
Day 2 part 1, Day 2 part 2, Day 2 part 3
Day 3 part 1, Day 3 part 2
Day 3 Elites WRE
Rest Day - Crieff Sprint MaCrosty Park
Drummond Castle Estate & Torlum Wood
Rest Day Trail O
Day 6 Overview

Day 6 Overview - Grandtully - Final Edition
Grandtully has previously been connected with canoeing the rapids but there was a new type of downhill race with the final day of Strathearn 2019 in close proximity to the river. For yet another day the weather held out and the Middle Distance race was a fantastic finale to what has been a hugely successful Scottish 6 Days.