Entries categorised as: Important
Lost Property
The team at Scottish 6 days have collated a list of the 'LOST PROPERTY' Items, we have a detailed list below. If this belongs to you or your family can you please contact Rona and Jonathan:
Rona Molloy 07745 957326
Jonathan Molloy 07803 616471
Day 6 Overview
Day 6 Overview - Grandtully - Final Edition
Grandtully has previously been connected with canoeing the rapids but there was a new type of downhill race with the final day of Strathearn 2019 in close proximity to the river. For yet another day the weather held out and the Middle Distance race was a fantastic finale to what has been a hugely successful Scottish 6 Days.
Day 2 Jury Decision
The Day 2 Organiser has received 4 protests about the decision to void the legs across the river. The Day Organiser and Controller decided that they did not agree with the protests and convened the jury who have now reached the following decision:
Day 3 Report
Beautiful weather, a stunning race arena and some of the best orienteering terrain in Scotland. Today’s event near St Fillans had it all, with the added attraction of a World Ranking Event Middle Distance race (and Middle Distance for us all which was a welcome relief after two tough days).
Day 2 Report
Edinchip is a brand new area to orienteering and credit goes to Allan Downie (Tayside Orienteers) and Terry O’Brien (Event Coordinator) for their exploratory efforts finding new terrain that was under everyone’s noses all the time. Edinchip was technically less demanding than Auchingarrich, but instead offered a variety of different terrain types from sheep grazed moorland, birch forest, marsh, ancient oak woodland and more marsh!
The Tick Project
TickApp is a citizen science project run by SRUC and the University of Edinburgh that aims to estimate people’s risk of exposure to ticks in Scotland. We are attending orienteering events to compare the number of ticks collected using survey transects (scientific method) with the number of ticks reported by people after orienteering in the same area. These data will be used to get better measures of how often people encounter ticks whilst doing outdoor activities, and help map tick distribution in Scotland.
Driving In Scotland
KEEP LEFT Campaign
We want you to be able to get to our events and home again safely. On the way to our events, you will have to drive on some narrow country roads. It's important
to remember to always drive on the LEFT; it can be very easy to forget on some of these narrower roads. *
Dog owners
The access agreement for Day 4 on Thursday 1st August 2019 is such that there must be absolutely NO DOGS even in cars at this Race.
Dogs are welcome on all other days in the event car parks in cars and on a lead. These are generally close to the assembly areas, except on Day 1, when it is not, then competitors can bring their dogs to assembly.