This is not a substitute for reading the final details and Day 3 information which are available online.
The Day 3 team would like to add the following information:
- Please remember that the access road to the area is via a single track with passing places. There may be animals on the road so please drive slowly and carefully. There is no exit before 1300.
- The route to the starts has been chosen to separate competitors and vehicles. Please follow the tapes to the starts, using the NW corner gate only to exit the car park. Please do not walk on the road. There will be a marshalled road crossing point adjacent to the call-up. The route to the start and back from the finish to the car park involves use of shared paths/areas. Please try to keep to the left-hand side to maximise separation and remember to pick up your bib before going to call up.
- White and yellow course competitors will need to follow earth-walls and fences as line features.
- Fence and wall crossings will affect courses 16 to 22. The W-E fence and N-S wall are broken down in places and easy to cross at all marked points. The N-S wall also has a wire on top which continues across wall gaps in places. Juniors will have no difficulty going under the wire. Veteran course maps have been drawn to show wall crossing points where there is no wire.
- No toileting please around the mast site compound near to the two start locations. The nearest toilets are at the call-up (~1 km from the start locations).
- The farmer will be running a raffle for local charity – prizes include Arisaig Gin and cake. Arisaig Gin will also be available to purchase.
- Please take a moment on the way to the start to look at the views to the islands of Rum and Eigg.
- The weather forecast looks good and shorts may be worn!
Yesterday’s results are available on the results site.
You can also check out some photos from Day 2 taken by Oscar Wilkinson.