1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies: Elizabeth Furness

2. Register of Interests

No change for Directors or Special Advisors noted but all to advise DK of any amendments.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors (21st March 2024)

Minutes were approved.

4. Finance Report

WOC is driving liquidity and the cash position in terms of the finance report distributed for WOC-focussed Board meetings. The substance has not changed and there are no unexpected outgoings. KR will discuss with SOA the requirement for additional accounting requirements due to additional income and charity needs. We are still awaiting the balance of the City of Edinburgh grant.

5. Deeside 2025


In terms of the report submitted to the directors, areas are secured at Glen Dye, Glen Feardar, Creag Choinnich and we are still in negotiations in respect of Balfour. There remain issues in respect of parking and we will look to explore Morrone Birkwood. Nick Hale has been very helpful.

Glen Feardar

MAROC are concerned about using Glen Feardar for two days but NC is currently checking with Invercauld that there is no issue with the area to the west.

Glen Dye

GRAMP are concerned about the loss of the area and an embargo on Glen Dye where they have recently paid to have it remapped in 2022 for the Scottish Championships. They had therefore submitted a request for compensation. This request was discussed and it was agreed that it would be considered. Kevin Reynard excused himself from the discussions due to the conflict. It was noted that there was no precedent for this.
Action: Board to consider compensation request from GRAMP

One of the conditions in obtaining permission for use of Glen Dye was that the holiday cottage would require to be booked for the week. The cost is approximately £3,500. There were discussions about recouping the cost through an auction of the house or subsidising the rate of booking. COT to investigate and report back to the next meeting.
Action: Would it be possible to auction hire of cottage for week – COT


The cost of parking areas compares with previous events other than Balfour. Current possibilities are being explored but the previous parking last used by MAROC was very expensive and this has the possibility of setting a precedent in the local area. We are continuing to explore alternatives as well as bussing. The Board urged the team to continue exploring options, as we always reimburse for any damage, but if no alternative come back to the Board for the ultimate decision.
Action: COT to explore other options re Balfour parking and report back

Ballater/ Sprint

There was discussion regarding the sprint about whether there should be a cap on the number of competitors in terms of Moray 2023 or 2/3 shifts of runners. The additional volunteer burden of the latter option was discussed. NC was engaging with the local community and this issue will be reconsidered at the next meeting. The potential of a waiting list if there is a cap and being clearer in comms would require to be considered. There is only on-street parking in Ballater and if there is a limit we must ensure that is not a SOUL/UKOL.
Action: Board to reconsider limit for sprint and report back from NC


David Ritchie was arranging a tender for mapping and it was discussed that the most important aspect was consistency across the maps as all are reasonably up to date.

Event Centre

The V&A Hall in Ballater is in the process of being booked. It was noted that in 2017 a secure room in the basement was used for map storage/ computing and it was agreed that it made sense to use this again.
Action: COT to book basement storage for the event.


The application for WRE status for the last two days was discussed. It was agreed to proceed as long as it did not detract from the event and the clubs involved were happy.
Action: COT to consult with lead clubs about WRE status.


Request for planners and controllers to be sent out now areas confirmed.
Action: COT to send out request for planners and controllers


It was agreed that the aim would be to organise a comprehensive social calendar.


A team meeting of the COT will be arranged once the club allocation is sent out.


Aim to have the website updated prior to WOC and have reference to programme (not itinerary). Flyers will be prepared and distributed.

The publicity of the event at WOC was discussed and DK agreed to raise this at the Steering Group meeting. The key is to get the website updated.
Action: Update website now areas agreed and before WOC

6. Strategy

EM outlined the terms of the strategy paper he had prepared highlighting the main issues and strengths of the S6D in terms of the report submitted. It was agreed that the S6D Strategy would link and evolve alongside the SOA Strategy which was being taken forward to SportScotland in October. The potential reform of director roles was also discussed.

Action: EM would continue to work on paper.

7. Computing Proposal

KeithR had prepared, alongside RS, a computing proposal submitted to the Board looking at why it was difficult to fill this role. The issues relating to the development of skills and the use of a pathway/ mentorship to develop skills was discussed. The recommendations were that the post of computing manager is a coordination role and we should have a computing lead for each day from the organising club. This was agreed together with the formalisation of the simplification. There is clearly scope to contract out support services.

It was agreed that for Deeside 2025 we would look to contract out services but the proposals would be implemented over time. An overall lead would be appointed with a lead for each day and the overall lead would sit on the COT.

KeithR indicated he would consider drafting a computing manual but this would need to wait until after WOC.
Action: Each day would be asked to put forward a computing lead who will be fully supported by the Computing Coordinator.

8. Manuals

Technical Manual – CE to take forward with RO
Organisers Manual – This has been prepared by EF and all will review

Action: Manuals to be reviewed

9. AOB

Action: Director to be allocated to Deeside 2025 at next meeting

10. Date of Next Meeting

September – DK to send out a Doodle poll.

List of actions:

1. Action: Board to consider compensation request from GRAMP
2. Action: COT to check possibility to auction hire of Glen Dye cottage for week
3. Action: COT to explore other options re Balfour parking and report back
4. Action: Board to reconsider limit for sprint once report back from NC
5. Action: COT to book basement storage at V&A Hall for the event.
6. Action: COT to consult with lead clubs about WRE status.
7. Action: COT to send out request for planners and controllers
8. Action: Update website now areas agreed and before WOC
9. Action: EM to continue to work on Strategy.
10. Action: Each day would be asked to put forward a computing lead who will be fully supported by the Computing Coordinator.
11. Action: Manuals to be reviewed
12. Action: Director to be allocated to Deeside 2025 at next meeting