1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting. There was an apology from Ben Hartman (BH)

2. Register of Interests

No change for Directors or Special Advisors noted but all to advise DK of any amendments.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors

12th June – minutes should state computing manager rather than commuting manager. Approved with this amendment.
27th June – Minutes were approved.

4. Matters Arising

All items covered later in meeting

5. WOC

Financial reports were circulated prior to the meeting. KR reported that an initial projection of a net £14/£15k surplus had been assessed and he now believes this will be a £4k surplus as a result of downgrading of income from IOF TV income. This is based on the v11 budget which means that the net result is a £20k improvement on the v11 forecast.

  • S6D will have provided £50k and therefore there is a £46k cost to the S6D.
  • SOA provided £30k therefore £76k cost to Scottish orienteering.
  • BOF provided £40k

The accruals for the remaining expenditure relate to the financial reports due in October, the HLES in February 2025 and settling with IOF. Final figures require to be signed off by IOF.

KR is comfortable that all expenses are in and therefore does not expect the double lock agreed with BOF to come into effect.

RO expressed his thanks to KR for keeping on top of expenses. KR indicated that Andy Mitchelmore and Jon Cross kept a very good grasp on expenditure.

S6D Going Concern Report

KR indicated that this is based on the reserves policy with the Company being at the low point of the cycle with Deeside coming next. The final instalment from EventScotland is reliant on meeting the KPIs. Most KPIs have been met and we were close with others with the economic impact assessment report now having been commissioned. EventScotland are happy with the event as a whole and as a result KR is not anticipating any issues in respect of the event report. The report will also be circulated to the City of Edinburgh Council.

IOF Report

This is due at the end of September and the IOF also prepare their own report, rating events out of 5. It is believed that WOC 2024 will be rated as a high 4.

Volunteer thank you

JC and AM are preparing a photo book (cost £2k) to be distributed to volunteers and thanks on behalf of BOF, S6D and SOA are included.

High Level Event Seminar

JC and AM are attending and maintaining their email addresses in the interim. These expenses are expected and accrued.


TOD indicated he is aware of few safety incidents and hopefully nothing to report to BOF.

5. Deeside 2025

Reports by the Event Coordinator were circulated prior to the meeting


In terms of the report submitted to the directors, Day 4 location has to be determined. The two alternatives are Balfour or Morrone Birkwood. Balfour is more expensive but Morrone Birkwood is a smaller area. The geographic spread of the event was considered together with the views of and potential impact on the local club. MAROC have indicated they are happy for either venue to be used and believe the additional expense of using Balfour can be mitigated for smaller events. It was agreed that any decision should be driven by the balance of the orienteering / event quality. It was agreed that Balfour would be used with Morrone Birkwood kept as a backup should there be issues with any other area.

Day 5 – timed or chasing start

After discussion agreed that it should remain a timed start as it affects the remainder of the event.

Course numbers

The COT have expressed a desire to go back to 33 courses rather than 42 and include a red course for runners which can be promoted locally. It was agreed that there are methods of dealing with too large an entry for any one course and therefore 33 courses was agreed.


EUOC have been asked if they would be willing to plan and organise the sprint. RO is awaiting a response.


Tender requests have been issued and the dates for responses are as follows:
Mapping: 30th September
Event services: 11th October
First Aid: 11th October
Toilets: 11th October
Computing: 18th October
Entries: 18th October


Amplified Sound have been asked for a quote

Plans and Documents

All in place or being prepared


For the 4th yr out of the last six, this is a Scottish team rather than a local COT team. There remain gaps and we need help finding a treasurer. It was discussed whether the job could be split in two. RO indicated there is a potential volunteer to act as assistant but not treasurer. DK indicated he would contact the treasurers of all SOA clubs and see if someone would help.

Action: DK to email club treasurer

6. Strategy

This has been put on hold until the SOA strategy has been finalised. NH will send EM the updated Strategy.

Action: EM would continue to work on this and NH will forward SOA Strategy.

7. Manuals

Technical Manual – CE to take forward with RO
Organisers Manual – This has been prepared by EF and all will review

Action: Manuals to be reviewed

9. AOB

EM indicated he believes that we have to make the event family friendly. Perhaps we could start by putting up a big map and marking runs.

Action: Director to be allocated to Deeside 2025 at next meeting

10. Date of Next Meeting

7th November

List of actions:

1. Action: DK to email club treasurers
2. Action: EM would continue to work on strategy and NH to forward SOA strategy.
3. Action: Manuals to be reviewed
4. Action: Director to be allocated to Deeside 2025 at next meeting