1. Welcome and Apologies

DK introduced the meeting, the agenda and welcomed all attendees. All acknowledged that the agenda was appropriate.

Apologies were received from Nikki Howard (NH), Richard Oxlade (RO) and Tim O’Donoghue (TOD)

2. Register of Interests

DK reminded everyone to report any new additions / changes to the register of interests. None were intimated to the meeting.

Action: All

3. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes had been distributed prior to the meeting. There were a couple of minor comments on accuracy and these will be corrected by DK and redistributed. The minutes were approved, subject to these amendments.

Action: DK

4. Matters Arising from Minutes

It was agreed that all matters arising were to be covered by the ensuing agenda.

5. Finance Report presented by KR

KR covered the main points in his detailed report to the Board which included the continuing efforts to close out the WOC finances and settlement of final transactions with EventScotland (ES), IOF, Edinburgh University and a few suppliers / contractors. In summary:

  • £50,000 of income from ES remained to be settled and net accruals of c. £26,000 remain to be paid.
  • The expected surplus was still estimated to be in the £4-5,000 range (with no contingency being considered necessary at this stage).
  • The Directors agreed that appropriate reward for all the volunteering efforts by a large team had been made via the provision of free kit, good quality sustenance throughout the event and the memento book that was currently being prepared. No club distribution from WOC funds was considered appropriate or necessary.

An update on a going concern basis had been covered during the earlier AGM when the statutory financial statements were reviewed and approved. The Directors had adopted the going concern basis of preparation based on their review of the cash flow analysis presented. [See below re Deeside budget].

In respect of 2024 statutory reporting, the meeting agreed that it was appropriate to change the Company’s year end from 28 February to 31 December to align with the SOA (its parent). This would aid the preparation of consolidated financial statements by SOA and the external audit thereof which may now be required (depending on gross income levels – a Charity law requirement in Scotland).

Two consequences for the Board to address:

  1. Consider an accelerated timetable for preparation of financial statements, reporting to SOA and holding the AGM (within 9 months of the new year end – 30 September 2025), and
  2. Understand audit scope and agreement on the sharing of external audit fees, once commissioned.

Action: KR to prepare timetable / scope for audit

6. WOC Assets

Jon Cross had provided a summary to the Board regarding 4 tranches of assets purchased for WOC by the Company. The Directors discussed and unanimously agreed:

  1. Ponchos – these would be made available via the SOA web-site, and other comms, to those clubs holding events in the coming year.
  2. Trestles – these would also be made available to those holding urban / sprint type events across Scotland. Discussion to be held with SOA re storage and making sure that they would be available to more northerly clubs as well as those in the central belt / south.
  3. Gazebo – to be offered to ScotJos subject to confirmation it can be stored by ScotJos management. Otherwise, it will be offered for sale to Scottish clubs.
  4. Control Kites – to be offered for sale for a nominal price, taking into account the cost of 6 Euros each. Sale could be in in one or more tranches – to be advertised via SOA website.

7. WOC Reporting

DK informed the meeting that the Economic Impact report was nearly finalised and that the ES report was nearing completion. Both of these would be circulated.

Action: DK

8. Royal Deeside 2025

NC provided an update on the provisional budget and procurement progress.

  • Toilets, Event Services, First Aid had all been quoted for and NC was engaged in discussions with those that had quoted to ensure that scope was properly understood and that the best prices were being offered. Event services had already been reduced although there is little leverage arising from only one quotation being received. First aid is also subject to challenge / re-scoping by NC.
  • Balfour – consideration being given to proposed thinning / felling operations which may impact viability. NC to get more details and discuss with COT, retaining possibility of another location for this day, albeit with likelihood of not having world ranking status. Meeting agreed that a decision on this would be required in the next few weeks
  • Glen Dye cottage – still on offer for occupation.
  • Entry fees – table presented by NC on behalf of COT with proposed entry fees was agreed by the Directors. An inflation rate of 7.5% (rounded up to nearest £) was considered appropriate given expected increase in costs and the inflation rate over the last 24 months.
  • Budget – the first cut of the budget was considered, taking into account the context of the procurement points made above. It was also noted that the initial assumption of 2,500 entries (average per day) would be tested and updated. The Directors agreed that a refined budget, with a note of key assumptions, would be presented to the next meeting for approval – taking into account the level of entries received at the first cut-off date of 31 January 2025.
  • NC and KR to discuss the proposed budget prior to the February meeting.
  • Organisation and Traffic plans – now drafted and available for review.
  • Promotional activity – overseas O-magazines and social media were all in plans / progress.

KeithR presented a paper on the various options (3) that were available for entries and computing.

  • He explained all the diligence that had been performed by Dave Nicol and himself on the various options and especially on their recommendation – entries by Njuko and computing support by Eddie Speake.
  • The meeting debated the paper / proposal and supported the recommendation. The Directors asked that KeithR revert with confirmation that Njuko were ready “to go” by early December when the entries are due to open.
  • It was also agreed that a further discussion was required outside the meeting regarding the cash payments to the Company (whether by Njuko or direct via our own merchant account).

Action: KR/NC to discuss budget

9. JK 2026

DK explained that SOA were to discuss the hosting structure with BOF and it was not likely that S6D would be asked to contract for this responsibility. All Directors agreed with this conclusion.

10. 2027 6 Day Event

We will return to this at the next meeting. Some possible general areas have been mooted but these discussions are too early for detailed consideration by the Board. Possibilities include Inverness-shire or SW Scotland. It was agreed that DK would discuss further with NH after the meeting.

11. Retiring Directors

KR was tasked with updating the register of Directors with Companies House.

It was noted that Colin Eades, Rachel Wilson and Robin Strain would be stepping down as Directors immediately following the conclusion of this meeting. Richard Oxlade and Keith Roberts had agreed to join the Board, also following the meeting, and this proposal was endorsed by all Directors.

It was noted that several retirements in accordance with our rotation policy had been delayed to avoid disruption in the build up to WOC 2024.

The efforts and contribution (quality, time and commitment) by all of the retiring Directors, over long periods of service and especially in the last 18 months, were considered and applauded by the other attendees.

12. Chair

DK informed the meeting that as yet no specific successor for his place on the Board had been identified and that therefore he would be prepared to remain as a Director (if acceptable to the meeting) on an interim basis but he intended to retire by 31 July 2025 at the latest. Accordingly, the meeting agreed that he would also remain as Chair. The Directors at the meeting also recorded their gratitude for DK’s efforts and leadership over his time as Chair, especially during the challenges of the build up to WOC 2024.

13. Any Other Relevant business

No further matters to discuss.

14. Next Meeting

6 February 2025 at 7.30pm via Zoom.