1. Present
Anne Hickling (AH – Chair), Colin Eades (CE), George Esson (GE), Dave Kershaw (DK), Lindsey Knox (LK), Ross Lilley (RL), Colin Matheson (CM), Robin Strain (RS – Minutes)
2. Apologies for absence
Donald Grassie, Ian Macintyre, Kenny Milton
3. Register of interests
Checked & updated. CE added.
4. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 6 Oct 2011
Approved by email prior to meeting
5. Matters arising from the minutes of 6 October 2011 (and not covered in the agenda below).
AP1: Squad funding (CE): The senior squad (SEDS) are interested in running the training events and/or the rest day events in 2013. It is difficult for them to commit to anything during the normal days due to the nature of the elite competition. If the junior squad were to be involved it would result in extra demands on their parents and other adults already committed on their club days.
AP1 CE and GE to continue the discussion. AP5&6: Base plates for the new control stakes. (RS).
AP2 RS to go ahead to purchase approx. 250 slimline baseplates once more details received from clubs. AP7: Equipment loan policy. (AH & CM) The proposals for no charge to SOA events, charges to other events in Scotland and higher charges to other events were accepted.
AP3 AH to pass details to SOA in the expectation that SOA will have a similar policy in respect of their own equipment, and to arrange for the policy to be listed on the 6 day website. AH will also contact BOC2012 who have enquired about hiring equipment.
5. Oban 2011 (RL & CM)
a) There are few outstanding issues and Kenny is finalising the accounts.
b) CM has compiled a report on the benefits to the Oban area in terms of use of local traders and introduction of new visitors to the area. Leader were happy after their visit.
AP4 CM will circulate his report to Event Scotland. There are concerns that the key performance indicators had been set too high, and how the term “enhancement” would be interpreted in future events.
c) After discussion it was agreed that £10,000 from the event surplus should be distributed to the Scottish clubs. All days have come to an agreement on the division of each day’s distribution.
AP5 CM to liaise with KM to arrange payment to clubs.
d) The Board rather than Day Organisers will determine how any surplus will be distributed in the future in order to make a fairer distribution. The formula will reward clubs for the input of main officials and also incorporate a basic sum for all clubs.
AP6 LK to bring suggestions to the next meeting.
e) A decision for the use of any additional surplus from Oban2011 will be made at the next meeting. It may be possible to give some funds to SOA for use of the squads. Board members are invited to make suggestions for the use of surplus funds. 5. Finance report CM reported that SOA have applied for funding for mapping and other projects from the BOF development fund whose source is the levies from Multiday events such as the Six Day.
6. Moray 2013 (AH & GE)
a) Areas and land access are almost finalised.
b) Central Organising Committee is almost in place. AP7 GE to distribute a list.
c) Elite program will include a middle distance WRE on day 4. It was noted that Day6 should be a seeded start, leading to a climax, rather than a chasing start. Because the WRE is not a long race, a 1:15000 map will not be required, although litho printing is still in the specification.
d) The event brochure will be launched at the JK.
e) Technical manual has been prepared. The Organiser’s manual and the Equipment manual are not complete. AP8 Directors were asked to comment on the draft sections of the manual than LK has distributed.
f) Event centre is still not finalised. Kinloss remains the preferred location and although contact with the army has been encouraging, it has not been possible to pin them down yet. Kinloss would be able to meet our requirements for storage, administration, social and campsite. Other options exist but are more limited. The management of the campsite may be outsourced.
g) Merchandising. Advance ordering would increase sales, although it was acknowledged that sizing of garments can be a problem.
h) Scoring. There is no intention to modify the scoring system for this event.
i) Green Course. There was discussion about providing a TD5 entry on the day/colour coded course. There was concern that it could result in a large number of entries preferring that to an age class course and that income would suffer. Colour coded courses get the same facilities and incur the same expenses as age class courses. For 2013 there will be a (short) Green course in addition to White, Yellow, Orange, Long Orange and Light Green. This will replace M/W21V. There will be a scale of charges. W, Y & O will be 50% of full price. LG & G will be 75%.
j) Mapping. It was agreed that MOR’s proposal for receiving copyright payments for the three maps which should require no further updating should be accepted. AP9 GE will contact Moravian to inform them. It is important that procedures exist for processing any amendments required by the planners and that the maps are up to the standard expected at a Six Day Event and which have in the recent past all been produced by professional mappers.
k) Embargoes. There is no formal embargo period. As Level B events, any embargo is at the discretion of the Association fixtures secretary. The Board felt that a 1-year embargo would be appropriate but would be sympathetic to any requests from MOR/INVOC to use some parts of 6 day areas for small events within that period.
l) Enhancements: There was discussion about what enhancements (funded by Event Scotland) could be introduced in 2013. Suggestions included: LiDAR: This replacement of photogrammetry will be the technique for the production of base maps in the future, but is still very expensive. Celebrity: this would help in the production of publicity Big screen & GPS tracking – The work in 2011 could be considered introductory. There is much still to be done. It was noted that FVO have been becoming more familiar with the GPS system. The production of a professional video about the event would be useful for publicity (and future awards evenings) Improved results display replacing the paper and paste should be possible although there are no proposals at present Improvement to the finish area, with better barriers, fencing etc. Views from directors on all these ideas will be welcome. Sail banners: AP10 CM was instructed to obtain four banners (6 Day generic rather than for a specific event) for use initially at the launch at JK.
7. Six Day Event 2015 & WOC 2015
a) COT. ESOC have agreed to be a Central Organising Club. Confirmation is awaited from INVOC.
b) A number of people have been approached to fill the position of Coordinator. AP11 AH will talk to the leading candidates.
c) We are still looking for a name for the Six Day event – Highland 2015 has been suggested.
d) WOC arrangements are on-going with concerns over bridge building, capercaillie and reserve areas. The format of the event, as set by IOF, is not fixed.
e) There is a need for a meeting between Dave Peel and the Six Day and SOA boards.
f) There has been some initial discussion about marketing of the whole WOC festival. RL has agreed to prepare a 6 Day marketing strategy.
8. Ethos: discussion held over till next meeting
9. Business plan: discussion held over till next meeting.
10. SOA Professional Officer (CM)
Oban 2011 was in the final three for the Event of the Year in the Sunday Mail & Sportscotland Scottish Sports Awards. The other two finalists were the Walker Cup (winner) and the Davis Cup Tennis. Thanks to Lynne Walker and Roger Scrutton for their part in nominating.the event.
11. SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company
IM is keen to meet with KM on funding issues.
12. ‘A Few Surplus Maps’
Approx half the stock has been sold. There will be another push at the JK. AP12 AH to discuss ideas for further sales with Lynne Walker.
13. Future meetings
Monday 23rd April (replacing previously advised date 15th March) and Wednesday 19th September