1. Welcome and Apologies for absence
AH welcomed RAS to the meeting in his capacity as SOA President. Apologies received from Richard Oxlade (RO) and Kate Robertson (KR)
2. Register of interests
Checked & updated. RAS added.
3. AGM and Chairman’s Report
This meeting also serves as the Company AGM and AH had previously circulated her report. RAS concurred on comments that clubs need to bring on officials in advance of 2015 to allow for WOC leakage.
4. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 23 April 2012
5. Matters arising from April meeting
Split of any surplus between clubs – LK has written into Organisers Manual that the club of each main official will receive 1/60th, which absorbs 36/60ths. The remaining 24/60ths to be split equally amongst the Scottish clubs who helped. COT to continue to be remunerated from a different pot. No comments/complaints received so far.
CM hasn’t yet done a technology meeting report. AP1 – CM
6. Finance report.
The final outcome for Oban 2011 was a £24k surplus.
KM has done calculations on what reserves we need to allow for an event being cancelled, the worst case scenario. It all depends on how late the event is cancelled but keeping a total of £74k would be fairly safe (this includes retention of 15% of entry fees). We have reserves of £118k so we could spend/distribute £16k – £44k. The difference of £28k represents Maps at £16k and Toilets at £12k which are large items that can’t be cancelled at the last minute without incurring the full cost.
Sponsorship might be harder to get in future, and we’re needing to spend more on land access and specialist people. RAS suggested a couple of projects which could use money at the moment. We are open to suggestions.
KM needs to do the Annual Return so let him know of address changes please. AP2 – all directors
KM has spoken to WOC2015 Finance Director, some initial discussions.
We’re not registered for VAT but KM isn’t sure why – could be looked at further. May be to do with having to charge VAT on entries.
We need to agree how much we’re going to pay SOA for the next 2 years. The new 2013 BOF levy system substantially reduces the levy part of the payment we make. IM’s budget has allowed for 4% increase. SOA would have difficulty if 6Day money was reduced. In return for a small increase SOA would take responsibility for training up more officials, who are then available for 6Days. Care will be needed over the wording of the agreement between SOA/6Days so that it still mentions levy and a top-up. The Board agreed 4% increase.
7. 6 Day Event 2013 (Moray)
GE reported that there are no problems with areas but that Forestry Commission fees may be a problem. Most Assembly areas also in hand but the Culbin landowner wanted £10 per car for the day, so alternatives are being looked at, including landowner at west end of forest. MOD Kinloss also asking for a lot, but no alternative due to crops in other fields.
The suitability of Day 4 as a WRE has been questioned – Ted Finch is the IOF Advisor and will have final say. There are alternatives if necessary. CM has a meeting about capercaillie shortly which might allow unrestricted access to some areas which are currently restricted (Days 4 and 6).
Day teams for Days 1,5, and 6 complete. Days 2 and 4 should be sorted, but Day 3 is proving more difficult and Pete Lawrence is chasing them. Different clubs could help if necessary.
Entry and results: SI consultants fees seem high. JK £300, Oban £330, Moray £420 per day. SI seem to have monopoly but using the same company for entries and results should make it seamless. Fabian are also offering a results service now but not discovered until too late.
Euromeeting: entry fee to be same as 6-Day but plus an accreditation fee to cover the Euromeeting extra costs (Graham McIntyre is the contact). Entrants will be part of a country team.
Finance: Treasurer reckons we need to ensure 250k of income. Entry fees to be increased by £1 for seniors on 2011 levels. In effect the reduced levy has been offset by keeping junior fees down.
Also agreed that we change the method of charging colour coded away from Juniors and Seniors. White and Yellow to be £3 per day, Orange and Light Green £5, and Green £7. EOD to be £1 more across all colours. Mike Rodgers is expecting to bring large numbers of Juniors to the event.
RS suggested t-shirts for all helpers. GE will review costs and perhaps Donald Grassie (DG)/Mike Rodgers (MR) could seek sponsors ? AP3 – GE
Event Scotland: Jenny Downs, our contact, has recommended the event gets £25k but still needs signed off by senior management. TBC.
Marketing/Publicity. Leaflet being widely circulated, not being reprinted despite the change of one day. Website fully up and running. Thanks to Paul Frost for all his work creating website.
Campsite/Event Centre (Brodie) not as far advanced as usual but progressing now. NTS are part of local tourist association and making a big (positive) thing of Moray2013.
Prizes: Mugs locally made, same cost as Buffs.
Not offering certificates for adults, very low take-up in the past.
COT now complete and the List is on website.
Campervans will be OK in Assembly Areas in 2013.
A professional company will be employed to erect/dismantle tents and move trakmats. They have insurance and pay their staff direct, which we would find difficult. Helpers will still need to help a little on the previous evening but no heavy tentage.
Results: CM has organised a type of security fencing to put them on, maybe folders to slip them into.
Score – needs a regular article from now on. CM/GE ? AP4 – GE / CM
Day 6: An “A” road runs through the area – various options being looked at.
Manpower for computing: Andrew Dalgleish has broken the job down into chunks and helping at Moray would provide good experience for anyone wishing to be involved in 2015. A Computing Manager is needed. RS might be willing, but it is essential for the future to bring on some new people to work as apprentices. RS will consult with Andrew and will liaise with HQ regarding a skills audit to identify possible interest, and email clubs. LEADER might fund course venues. AP5 – RS
MR wishes to provide some pre-6Days experience to Moray juniors and has asked if he can use parts of Lossie, Roseisle and Culbin. Agreed but he needs to consult the planners to find an area which isn’t being used for Moray.
8. Highland 2015
RO had previously circulated a report. All connected people now need to have signed a confidentiality declaration.
Regarding WOC areas, things will be clearer after a visit from the IOF in early October. Start blocks might not be “normal” 6-Day times but still hopeful that there will be the normal Sunday-Saturday programme. The current proposal allows for this but the Board will be willing to consider alternatives if necessary.
Lyn West (BOF Chair) has asked both SOA and 6-Days if they would be willing to host WTOC2015 if BOF put in a bid – both RAS and AH declined as there aren’t enough Scottish volunteers.
9. Marketing strategy
RL had previous circulated version 1 of a Marketing Strategy. This includes a SWOT analysis and looking at a marketing mix of things we already do, and things we can improve on. RL looking for ideas from the Directors on what we could add to this.
Each COT has a marketing budget which they should use as they see fit.
SOA membership numbers are key to getting grants but the 6Day focus is more on getting people to take part in 6Days. The next step is to prioritise and focus on certain parts. We need to retain a clear message on what our objective is – bums on seats and repeat business.
SOA currently have banners being manufactured – with 6Day and WOC logos.
Action: Directors invited to comment. AP6 – all
Insurance. 6Day equipment is now insured via the SOA policy but the SOA may not insure again as equipment is spread about and no huge value in one place. £1500 annual cost is very high and not cost-effective. Public Liability – need to ensure that we are we covered for all parts of the event including Socials (these need to be registered with BOF as activities. AP7 CM / KM
10. A Few Surplus Maps
John Colls has written requesting (a) that we pay £160 to the person who did the book layout and (b) that we give him permission to pursue costing a supplement. Agreed to both. AH to advise JC, with no firm commitment to spending on supplement until approved. AP8 – AH
11. 6 Days 2017
We need to start thinking about venue for 2017. Ideas from all please. AP9 – all
12. Professional Officer:
Currently working on Equality Standard Legislation 2010 (formerly Equal Opportunities).
Forestry Commission access fees – CM has expressed concern via the Scottish Sports Association but it’s almost inevitable that we’ll need to pay FC admin fees, but hopefully not the ludicrous sums currently being asked for. Still some actions that can be taken but it seems totally against FC’s own policy of getting people into forests for recreation.
13: SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company
RAS going to BOF club conference shortly, if there’s anything useful to add, let him know.
14: Any Other Business
A group headed by Graeme Ackland have asked for £5k support for a Homecoming 2014 series of events called Race the Castles, involving an urban weekend (Edinburgh/Stirling), mid-week WOC training camp (Speyside) and Commonwealth weekend (Deeside) in October 2014. Same criteria as Park World Tour in that it helps get other grants, and we would get it back if there is a surplus. The Board agreed to this. CM has been asked to assist, details not specified but probably on admin and permissions.
SOA has agreed for HQ to do some more mapping in anticipation of WOC training camps.
15. Future Meetings (provisional)
28 November 2012
20 February 2013
15 May 2013
CE volunteered to take the next Minutes. Meeting closed 9:30pm.