1. Present

AH welcomed RO to the meeting in his capacity as 2015 6-Day Co-ordinator.

2. Apologies for absence


3. Register of interests

Checked & updated. RO added.

4. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 10 January 2012.


5. Matters arising from the minutes of 10 January 2012 (and not covered in the agenda below).

CE reported on Squad fundraising.  He has spoken to Steve Smirthwaite about Mountain-bike O and sprint O for 2013.  Squad will help with manpower.  JK jigsaws were popular – large ones sold out, smaller ones didn’t sell so well.  About £600 profit, may do 1000 piece ones for Moray 2013.

5. Oban 2011 (RL, CM, KM)

KM has almost finalised the accounts although there remains a query about the BOF levy and payments to SOA.  We have £111k in the Bank, but needs tbc once levy issue is clear.

AP1: KM to clarify BOF and SOA levies

RL reported that they still have good relations with landowners, and some nice new maps for SOL’s etc.  Currently awaiting the result of a tourism award.

LK produced some proposals for the future allocation of any surplus to clubs, rather than each day decide.  These proposals were agreed and LK to re-word them in terms of percentages and amend the Manual.  In round terms:  If the surplus is £6000, £100 per main day official (i.e. 6 per day), with remainder split equally amongst all Scottish Clubs helping on the 6 days (i.e. £150).  COT still to be paid separately.  Also discussed how we reward others who are not part of the COT but play a large part.  To be further discussed at a later meeting.

AP2: LK finalise proposals

5. Finance report

New levy figures were approved at 2012 BOF AGM and will save the 6-Days a considerable sum.  2011 BOF levy was £58k, new levy figure would have been £20k.  This has implications for the 50% which goes to the SOA.

AP3: DG to clarify that the SOA received the 50% from 2011 event.

Although we have a healthy bank balance, it may be prudent to keep slightly more reserves than usual to allow for extra up-front expenditure for Euromeeting 2013 and 6-Days 2015.  DG personal preference would be for surplus to go towards more regional development officers.

AP4KM to review reserves needs

6. Moray 2013 (AH & GE)

Budget/entry fees: General agreement that we should maintain the 2011 level of entry fees. BOF levy will be lower in 2013, but keeping this level allows for other increases in costs.  To be finally agreed in September.

Darnaway is now embargoed for 2015, and CM recommended Carse of Ardersier as the replacement for area for Moray. DG has placed contracts for 2013 PG plots and map updates for other areas.

Following schedule was agreed.

Day 1: Lossie Forest

Day 2: Carse of Ardersier

Day 3: Culbin

rest:  (sprint for Euromeeting)

Day 4: Loch of Boath (Middle for Euromeeting) inc WRE

Day 5: Roseisle

Day 6: Coulmony and Belivat.  Nice big field for last day. (Classic Euromeeting) Not WRE.

Dave Peel has requested two WRE’s although we only asked for one.  Need to publicise the changes on website etc once CM finalises Carse of Ardersier.

AP5: CE to speak to Dave Peel about WREs.

Event centre/campsite:  RAF Kinloss is still a possibility for Event Centre and we should know by June. This is a bit late so CM is also looking at other alternatives, just in case Kinloss is declined.

Publicity: new flyers at JK (with Darnaway!). Flyers going abroad with various people. To be Photo-O competition in CompassSport Magazine.

COT:  Social, String, Merchandising still to fill. Computing may be filled.

Paul Frost is designing the website, Margaret Dearman will then keep it updated.

Funding:  CM will liase with EventScotland/Leader. GE will check others, plus some commercial sponsorship.

£25k from ES:  they see 2013 as a step towards WOC, dry run etc, so keen to support us with Arena improvement, banners, barriers etc.  We could hire monitors for displaying results, but complications with shelter, power, costs.  CM suggested looking for ES support for a professional to oversee commentary, GPS, filming, radio controls. CM also looking at several medium sized screens rather than a single large one, cheaper than 2011. ES would also spend on marketing, and questionnaires.  CM looking for other ideas from the Board.  Action: ALL.

Entries: 3 companies being evaluated. Fabian, Oentries, SI.

Merchandising:  Possibility of passing to Scotjos under consideration, awaiting report from merchandising experience at the JK.

LK is working on an updated Organisers Manual.  Agreed that we could probably make better use of manpower and LK will try to make the helper numbers more realistic.

CM suggested “Hire a hoody” for some of the equipment team tasks to reduce the burden – moving equipment, erecting/dismantling tents etc. Agreed that this would be money well spent. A full 2 sets of equipment would save a lot of stress.  We have about 1.5 sets at the moment.

DG mentioned that insurance is a mixture of SOA and 6-Day event equipment (kept at the National Centre) being insured by SOA.  Historically, 6-Day don’t insure equipment at events, cheaper just to replace if destroyed.

7. Six Day Event 2015 & WOC 2015

RO is Co-ordinator, and he’s spoken to both Margaret Dalgleish and Dave Summers about the ESOC and INVOC involvement.  Agreed the official name will be Highland 2015.   RO to come up with logo.   All send suggestions to him please. CM is meeting a few landowners shortly.  Suggested to DP that he attends meeting in Scotland sometime to meet some of the Board.

AP6: RO to progress

10. SOA Professional Officer (CM)

CM is meeting the Forestry Commission shortly to discuss the SOA Agreement.  FC have introduced parking fees for the general public.

11. AOB

The Technology workshop in March was very valuable.  CM is preparing a report. Sportident people were also there, useful to know some of their future plans.

AP7: CM to complete report and circulate as appropriate

13. Future meetings

Next meeting 19/9/12 at which we need to finalise the 2013 entry fees.  We need to announce the venue for 2017 at the 2013 SOA AGM.

Meeting closed at 9:10pm