1. Welcome & apologies for absence.

Apologies – Ewan McCarthy (EM), Richard Oxlade (RO), Pauline McAdam (PM)

2. Register of interests – check & update.

All present checked and signed the register of interests.

3. Appointment of New Director

Kevin Reynard was welcomed as new Finance Director.

4. AGM

Chairman’s Report (DK)

DK circulated the Chairman’s report, which was accepted without comment.

Finance Report (KM)

The company accounts were presented to the Board for approval. This included an explanation of the difference between the Highland 2015 surplus and the final year company profit. Costs for Deeside 2017 are deferred to the 2017 accounts.

IM noted that SOA contents insurance had been renewed. This is intended to cover Scottish Orienteering 6-Day Event Company assets as well as SOA assets.

IM raised a question about the Company’s reserve policy that arose from OSCR review of SOA accounts. This question related to how the reserve would be utilised in the situation of an unexpected late 6-Day Event cancellation. DK noted that this policy is recorded in the Company Business Plan, but this does not include details of the reserve target. This policy could be included in the annual Directors’ Report, which is to be filed by the end of October. IM will seek clarification from OSCR what information is needed by SOA on the Company’s reserve policy, and advise the Directors on how best to cover this issue in the Directors’ Report.

KM noted the recent introduction of legislation relating to Persons of Significant Control, which applies to the SOA, who are 100% owners of the Company.

Approval of the accounts was deferred until the issue relating to the reserve policy has been addressed in the Directors’ Report.

5. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 11 May 2016


6. Matters arising from the minutes of 11 May (not covered in the agenda below)

AP1 (RS) – Loan of club equipment—action ongoing.

Action RS: Ongoing

7. Finance report (KM)

KM provided additional detail on the current state of the Company accounts. Overall the Company is in good financial state, but does need to consider how it deals with keeping a sufficient reserve as discussed in Agenda Item 4, and how this impacts on other funding decisions.

The mapping fund balance is £5550, which is due to be paid out to clubs who successfully applied for funding. Approaches to ringfencing a contribution towards costs of Regional Development Officers were discussed. Both are one-off commitments, rather than recurring commitments.

The Board shared their appreciation of KM for his efforts as Company Treasurer.

Action KM and KR: Discuss approaches to defining a minimum reserve and hence what funds might be available for investment in the development of orienteering in Scotland, for presentation at the next Board Meeting.

8. Highland 2015

KR presented a number of recommendations following completion of the Highland 2015 accounts. These included:

Third party event logistics suppliers: There is a need to put tighter day to day control over scope of work and cost of third-party event logistics companies. CM has taken this into account when issuing invitations to tender for Deeside 2017 and considering contracting approaches. It is expected that the amount of work needed, and therefore cost, will be less than for Highland 2015. The Board agreed that better communication with Day Organisers was needed on what the third-party suppliers have been asked to do, what else they might usefully do under the terms of the contract, and establish approved communication channels between Day teams and the third party suppliers.

Bridges: Substantial effort was required to construct bridges, but all costs were recovered apart from CM’s project management. Fewer bridges will be required for Deeside 2017.

Campsite: The Board feels that providing a campsite is an important part of event organization and the event experience, but the viability of the campsite needs to be considered. The 2017 CO team are confident there will be high demand for camping, given other available options. It is expected that costs will be lower than 2015.

Land access and rectification: This was a major cost for 2015. Negotiations for Deeside 2017 have progressed well and parking arrangements are in place.

Officials’ expenses: Volume of claims, especially regarding travel, was high. Location and nature of the event, running in combination with WOC, were factors. Travel costs for officials should be lower for Deeside 2017.

Refunds: A clear description of the event refund policy should be made available to competitors.

Trader fees: Trader fees need to take into account nature of traders (regular attendees at orienteering events versus attendees at 6 day events only and local traders) and the likely reduced attendance in comparison to Highland 2015.

9. Deeside 2017

Treasurer’s Report: A Treasurer’s report was circulated to the Board. JM reviewed some areas of specific and general contingency amounts. The BOF levy estimate has been confirmed in principle by Mike Hamilton. Based on an attendance of 3,500 and proposed entry fee changes from 2015, the budget projects a very small surplus.

JM sought clarification on some points:

  • Insurance: The Board’s position is that if central organising clubs register the events, then event insurance will be covered by BOF.
  • Refund policy: Wording should be agreed on the level of entry fee that would be refunded should a competitor decide not to compete or if the event is cancelled, and clearly conveyed to competitors.

Entry fees: The proposed increase to the entry fees was discussed. The Board agreed that for:

  • Age class entries: the third entry band should be £20 and the entry at event fee should be £25,
  • Green course entries: the entry at event fee should be £15.

EM shared a report on the proposed format of Elite courses for each day at Deeside 2017. CE advised that his survey of the format to be used for other courses had produced a 50:50 split. It was agreed that the normal format of standard courses for each of the 6 days should be continued.

10. Strathearn 2019

CM shared a report on progress for Strathearn 2019. A number of potential areas have been explored, and landowners identified. CM would welcome local support to explore candidate areas, including bracken coverage. The number of new areas will impact on mapping costs. The Swiss 5 Day Competition will overlap with the end of the proposed event week.

11. Strategy and Business Plan

CM shared a draft prior to the previous meeting, but no further review has taken place.

CM would like to review and put this version on the Company web site to replace the current version that is online.

Action All: Review draft and send comments to CM by 5th October.

12. SOA Events Officer

CM reported that SOA is moving forward with a tripartite agreement with Glenmore Lodge and the Forestry Commission on a new map of Glenmore. This will include agreement for access to OS data and aerial photography. This may be a way forward for working with the FC on other future mapping projects.

13. SOA business relevant to 6-Day Company

RAS circulated a report on recent business, and reviewed key points. SOA staff restructuring is now complete, in line with strategy agreed with SportScotland for the next 4 years. RAS also listed the SOA’s Key Performance Indicators for the next 4 years.

RAS attended the most recent BOF board meeting and highlighted some key points of discussion including the SGM to be held in November.

14. AOB

Junior European Cup: The Board was approached for support by the JEC organisers, and agreed that prizewinners at this year’s JEC would be offered free entry to Deeside 2017. KR noted that there is a mechanism by which the 6-Day entry system can manage this arrangement.

Equipment: RS noted that radio control kit needs upgraded, but that initial understanding of kit swapping was incorrect, and that the intended upgrade would cost £800+ VAT (£400 per unit). The radio control units could potentially be used by clubs for other SOA events. This purchase was approved by the Board.

The proposed purchase of 50 touch-free SI cards at £55 per card was also discussed. RS argued this is an opportunity to explore the use of this technology as it becomes more widely used, while also providing the opportunity to raise income through rental. This purchase was approved by the Board.

Four of the SI units that had been lost at Highland 2015 have been recovered.

Publicity leaflet: RL circulated a draft design for a 6-Days Event local publicity leaflet for comment

Drum Awards: Highland 2015 is a finalist in the sports category and People’s category. It was agreed that someone should represent the Company at the awards ceremony. The Board agreed that CM would attend and approved purchase of the ticket.

Action all: Review and comment on publicity leaflet draft.

15. Future meeting dates

Wednesday 7th December 2016.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm