1. Welcome & apologies for absence
Apologies: Terry O’Brien (TOB)
2. Register of interests
The register of interests had been sent out with the papers for the meeting. All Directors were asked to inform DK of any changes. Colin Matheson noted that he was not included. Action DK, CM
3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 27 July 2020
The minutes were approved.
4. Matters arising from previous meetings (not covered in the agenda below)
5. Finance report
KR advised that there is approx £161k in the bank accounts which includes £60k of advance payments for WOC2024.
A discussion with Ben Hartman (SOA Treasurer) regarding payments to the SOA will be held later in the autumn.
There have been discussions with the treasurer of Lochaber 2021, Pat Bartlett, regarding the initial budget for the event. £10k has been transferred to the event to provide working funds. It is likely that Lochaber will run at a loss, estimated at £40k (including includes a general contingency of £10k, SOA payments of £77,600 and payments to clubs of £10k). The meeting hoped that the loss could be contained at under £30k.
It was hoped that competitors could be encouraged to enter early, and that the refund policy will not be an impediment to entry. It was noted that if an event is cancelled, a competitor has a legal right to a full refund (less the booking fee).
6. Lochaber 2021
CM went through the report be had tabled earlier.
Website: Progress with the new web site has been slow, and there is a need for someone to take forward promotion of the 6-Days on all aspects of social media.
Permissions: Contact with the police and Highland Council has been positive. COVID has not been an issue for the landowners and all areas are satisfactory with the exception of Glen Creran where parking would have to be on forest tracks. This is not ideal, particularly for the final day and alternatives are being investigated. These include rescheduling the areas, a new area near Tyndrum and doubling up on an area.
It is likely that LIDAR will not be available for the event’s new maps and alternative base maps are being investigated.
Masterplan Adventure have been approached about running the Sprint event, although whether this is done using the 2017 or 2019 financial model has not been finalised
Event Enhancements: It is hoped that funding will be available for the promotion of the event on social media.
RO went through the papers he had tabled earlier.
The COT is set up apart from the Computing/IT position. RS was concerned that although a team can share the workload, someone is required to manage the team. Action: RO, RS
RO has produced a comprehensive Risk Management document assuming that the event goes ahead with current COVID19 guidance. The updated Technical manual is almost complete.
Some of the implications have to be considered immediately, whereas others can be deferred. For example, the planners will have to be aware of changes to the start arrangements and layouts and that much more space will be required.
More responsibility will be required of competitors to ensure that covid requirements are adhered to e.g. arriving at the start on time.
It may not be possible to offer EOD, though that could have significant financial implications.
All present were asked to study the risk document and send comments to RO Action: All
7. WOC 2024
Paul McGreal (PM) will be contacting IOF to discuss a reduced fee due to unrecoverable payments already made. He will also discuss embargoes and sponsorship.
KR has paid expenses to PM up to date. PM’s original contract has been terminated and he is now being paid on a retention fee until Autumn/Winter 2021.
8. SOA business relevant to 6-Day Company (RO)
The main focus of the SOA has been discussion with SportScotland about Orienteering subject to the government guidelines.
9. AOB
It was clarified that although Directors were notified of meetings of the event COT, there is no expectation of attendance at these meetings.
CM notified the meeting that he would be retiring in 2021 after Lochaber.
10. Future meeting dates
Late October 2020 / early November via Zoom. Doodle poll to be circulated to agree date.
Action: DK
The meeting finished at 8.30 p.m.