Despite the distinctly wintery nature of the weather during the past month, the Central Organising Team for Moray 2023 is looking ahead to July next year and welcoming you to the Scottish 6 Days based along the coastal dunes and forests of the Moray Firth. We look forward to weather as good as that which we are experiencing at the JK just now!
Preliminary information about the different days can be found on the main website pages. There may be a familiar look to the names of the forests you will be orienteering in but we are aiming to provide courses from less familiar starting points, with parking and arenas identified and permissions agreed to facilitate that.
Technical aspects of the event are underway with Controllers appointed for all but one of the days. Planners, Assistant Planners, Assistant Controllers and other day organising volunteers are being sought from Scottish clubs who have agreed to support a particular day. It’s not too late to put yourself forward if you fancy one of these CV enhancing opportunities – speak to your club committee!
Updating the maps will get underway once the tenders for the work have been submitted and contracts agreed. The aim is to have planners and mappers in the forests during July/August so undergrowth conditions are similar to those the 6 Day competitors will experience.
There are various social activities in the pipeline including the ever popular ceilidh and a whisky and/or gin tasting (but not at the same time!) Our event logo was one of the first things ticked off the ‘to do’ list and will feature on the merchandise to be offered following input on colour choices from a discerning panel of young orienteers.
Finally a word on accommodation: Moray is a popular holiday destination and although there is a good variety of accommodation it will book up quickly. We are working with Visit Moray Speyside who have already provided a link for our website to accommodation providers as well as encouraging local providers to open their 2023 booking early. We are in the very early stages of looking into the feasibility of a bus service from a few locations to support the sustainable aspect of our event.
Elizabeth Furness,
Event Coordinator Moray 2023