Today’s results and links to RouteGadget etc. are available on the results site. Scanning the QR code on your map will also take you to the results pages online.
Well another glorious day today – Moray was looking at it best as we enjoyed the pine forest and the intricate sand dunes of Roseisle – the sun came out in earnest so that we could all bask in the warmth whilst watching friends and family on the run in through the goalposts.
Thank you to Day 3 organisers and their team for another seamless event where even the sloping parking field, which had been causing some concern before the day, caused no issues and the buses for those in campervans ran like clockwork.
The Day 3 controllers wished it to be noted that competitors must wear full leg and torso cover unless the organiser specifically says that shorts may be worn in terms of BOF rule 10.1.
Please remember to bring cash where possible for the traders on Days 4 and 5 as the mobile reception for card readers has been sketchy and we do not want you all to be disappointed!
A thank you letter was handed in to the information tent from the mother of the injured competitor who received help in the Day 2 forest. She has expressed her thanks to those who went and got help, allowed their mobile phone to be used to contact those in the arena and to the first aid team who managed to extract her from the forest.