Today’s results and links to RouteGadget etc. are available on the results site. Scanning the QR code on your map will also take you to the results pages online.
Culbin provided the backdrop to Day 5 and the last day of Moray 2023. We were treated to a middle race involving quite a lot of heather compared to Day 4 but the planners used the area to ensure that everyone experienced the best bits of the terrain.
After a dreich day yesterday the weather held out, for the most part, and meant that (despite some trepidation about getting everyone out of the car park if the rain continued) we did not have to call in the cavalry!
Following a protest regarding control 196 on courses 3,4 and 10, it has been decided to void the leg involving this control as the fairest option to take. The protest concerned a misplaced control which affected several early runners on these courses. Controllers checked that the overall results would not be affected for the top 6 runners and the protest was upheld.
Thank you to the Day Organisers and their volunteers for yet another successful day and a great way to finish Moray 2023.
Without the volunteers who stepped forward holding an event like this would not be possible. We are grateful to Elizabeth Furness for taking on the mantel of Event Coordinator for Moray 2023 and all those who assumed a role on the central organising team but without all the club volunteers taking the lead each day this event would not happen – the list of people who went above and beyond really almost includes everyone who helped . Thank you to everyone who gave their time and an especially large thank you to all of those volunteers from outwith Scotland who helped make it happen. You all made Moray 2023 a great event!
The event was not without its challenges and the organising team did not take the decision to ask those in campervans to use the buses to get to the event lightly. Parking areas are increasingly becoming hard to source close to the forests which we all want to enjoy. We think that we managed to take you to the best forests which Moray has to offer and hope you managed to explore Moray’s delights while you were here.
We will be emailing out a questionnaire shortly and your feedback is important to us as we look to learn from this event to ensure that in this post covid world we put on an event which suits the needs of those attending and sustainable for the future. Please take the time to complete the questionnaire or email me nikki@scottish-orienteering.org
We will upload podium photos shortly.
We hope you all got home safely and look forward to seeing you all at Deeside 2025. The dates will be announced shortly and if anyone is willing to step froward as coordinator of this event please get in touch.