1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Register of Interests

No changes reported but KR to confirm all current interests listed.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors (13/02/2023)

Approved as read subject to KR checking the figures as shown.

4. Matters arising from Minutes of 13/02/2023

No matters to be dealt with other than items on the agenda.

5. Mapping Fund Requests

KR confirmed that the sum of £1950 was available from the Mapping Fund established.  As the directors were unaware of the club financial positions and there were mitigating factors for all the applicants, it was decided that an equitable split between the four applicants would be applied.

Action: NH to send the email contact details to KR for all four clubs to allow distribution of funds.

6. Strategy and Business Plan 2023-2030

The draft strategy and business plan had been circulated.  It was agreed that all comments would be brought to the next meeting after Moray 2023 once feedback had been received from attendees.

Action: All to review draft strategy and business plan for next meeting.  NH to find more recent photos and send them to DK for inclusion.

7. Finance Report

KR reported that action had been taken to ensure that only small amounts were retained in the working accounts with the remainder of funds held in the savings account which was now earning interest.

A reserve of £71,000 was noted at Company level and that Moray 2023 currently held a balance of £214,000 but the initial grant would be transferred to the Company to allow interest to be earned.  Ben Hartman (the SOA Finance Director) and KR were currently exploring whether the SOA grant could be paid early to allow additional interest to be paid as the additional charity interest rate can not be accessed by the Company.

2022 Financial statements filed before the last meeting and tax return.  On checking it would appear that the 2021 tax return had not been recorded so this was refiled.


KR reported that the issues with getting Bob Dredge access to the bank account had been resolved and he should have full access to operate the account shortly.  Bob Dredge has in the interim had full sight of the bank statements and KR has been able to operate transactions on the account in the interim.

The Directors discussed the financial risks involved in hosting WOC and it was agreed that all wished to see plans to mitigate any risks from the WOC Team.  DK would request an updated budget with contractual commitments/ income and expenditure dates detailed so can assess the risks fully.  This will be brought to the SOA Board as requested.

DK to keep Directors updated with revised accounts.

DK and Paul McGreal are preparing a letter to go to City of Edinburgh Council and Event Scotland requesting an additional uplift in funding given inflation and the delay imposed which will be sent once the updated budgets with all potential inclusions are prepared.

Moray 2023

He has been in discussions with Karen Fraser, the treasurer, and all financially on course at present.

8. Moray 2023


As at the meeting stand at 2100 per day and the closing date for the ordering of merchandise is the end of May.

WRE – DAY 2 Darnaway

EF reported that there was a good entry from M21s but the entry for W21s was quite low at present.  The Day 2 team including IOF controller had met and discussed the practicalities of the day and all was in hand.  Scotjos tracking would be used and arrangements had been made for radio controls and commentary through Ted Finch and FVO.

Coasters and Medals/ Prizes

These have been ordered.  McLeans Bakery of Forres has agreed to provide some prizes.


3 of the mapped areas need final adjustment due to forestry operations which have overrun.  The draft proofs for 2 days are being finalised but Lossie Forest is causing some concern as the felling is still taking place.  This is in part due to the knock on effect of Storm Arwen on felling plans and FLS rangers themselves unsure of programmes.


Due to the number of motor homes which are attending the event it has been decided that bussing will be offered for Days 4 and 5 as previously indicated.  Bussing from Forres Academy will now also be offered for Day 3 as alternative parking facilities in and around Burghead can not be located.  Competitors have been told previously of bussing requirements for Days 4 and 5 and a blog post will be going up about Day 3 shortly.

Event Servicing

An equipment supplier has now been agreed and contract accepted for the event.

SI Entries

NH indicated she had been notified by the IT contractor Eddie Speak that SI Timing had informed him that they were now adding an additional 10p per individual levy for all events over 1500 entries (additional £1,300).  This was added to the website with no public announcement.

9. WOC 2024


KR/BD still looking at insurance.  KR to speak to Bob Dredge.


It was noted that a potential agreement had been reached with Lothian Buses to include transport within the entry price but logistically competitors would require to be bussed to the event.


Now working on following planning of courses.

SEA Visit/ Bulletin 2

SEA visit at the end of June and Bulletin 2 being prepared.

10. SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company

SOA have determined that their requirements for an events and operations manager can be reduced to 1 day per week for SOA time.

Baroudeur/ Making the Most of WOC 2024 Project – this has been taken to BOF and we are awaiting a decision.

Orienteering Edinburgh is proceeding in the interim and the first event is next Thursday (11th May).

Big concern within SOA is the lack of volunteers coming forward to take on the role of Directors.  Keith Dawson and Ben Hartman put an opinion piece in the Newsletter to rattle some cages.

11. AOB

2025 Coordinator

Advert has been prepared and with DK for approval.

Replacement Directors

Noted that next changes will be CE and RW who will retire after Moray 2023.  CE highlighted that the term of office should be longer than SOA due to the requirement for continuity.  To be considered whether policy should be 6 years with option for 3 year extension if loss of experience for other reasons.

12. Date of Next Meeting

End September/ Beginning of October

Action: DK to put out doodle