1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Richard Oxlade (RO)

2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors 13/05/2023

Approved as read.

3. Matters arising from Minutes of 13/05/23

No matters to be carried forward.

4. WOC 2024

DK explained that the Steering Group had met that afternoon. He summarised the meeting.

Event Scotland (ES) and City of Edinburgh Council (CofEC) had expressed surprise and shock at the prospective deficit. The Steering Group had not gone through the updated budget on a line-by-line basis but Paul McGreal had explained the reasons for the increases in the budget as a result of the increase in costs, inflation, exchange rates and the knowledge gained from Denmark’s hosting of WOC 2022.

It was explained that, subject to caveats, ES and CofEC had said they may be able to find an additional contribution to the costs of hosting the event up to a limited amount but not sufficient to cover the full deficit. KR had on behalf of the 6-Days indicated that the Company could match the indicated contribution from ES from reserves. Peter Brooke on behalf of BOF (Peter Hart on holiday) had not been able to commit BOF to any contribution.

IOF have been contacted to ask them to consider where they may be able to water down the event requirements or decrease charges but as yet there has been no response.

KR, as the other 6-Day representative present at the Steering Group meeting, agreed it had been a constructive meeting and that Keith Dawson had been a great help clarifying with ES and CofEC their potential contribution.

It was highlighted that there was no figure in the budget as yet for sponsorship and that the 6-Days to date had a good track record of forecasting costs. If the plug was pulled now this could potentially cost £110,000 plus reputational damage and potentially financial sanctions and sanctions on UK teams from the IOF. IOF are due to visit at the end of June 2023 and Bulletin 2 is due to be published shortly thereafter.

The Board expressed a willingness to get a plan in place for the way forward and the two key things in this were reaching an agreement with IOF and locking in pricing for the event asap.

It was agreed that the Board were content to agree to a potential contribution towards the event, subject to a satisfactory outcome from Moray 2023, and KR/DK were approved to proceed with discussions on that basis. KR would consult with Karen Fraser (Treasurer for Moray 2023), to confirm that the potential contribution would not impact on the Company’s ability to deliver an event in 2025 and circulate an assessment on the impact of an increased contribution. The Board were reminded of the obligation to ensure that the Company was a going concern at all times and ensure that the team were aware of this when entering into contracts.

It was agreed:

  • KR would join the Steering Group on behalf of the 6-Days and be able to press the WOC organising committee on areas of contracts / quotations.
  • CE would oversee the technical side of the event / liaise with Jon Hollingdale and have oversight of the Gantt Chart / Timescales for the event.
  • RW would have Board oversight of the risk register for the event.

Potential additional income was discussed as previously when a WOC event had been held in Scotland there had been a 6-Days event to support WOC. The potential for income generation from spectator fees (e.g. Swiss O-meet) or added value through provision of access to accommodation for banquets for foreign visitors was discussed. It was also noted that potential sources of sponsorship could be the universities as events would be taking place using their facilities. DK agreed to raise these suggestions with Paul McGreal.

5. AOB

NH clarified the position with regard to insurance for WOC 2024. Moray 2023, as with previous events, was registered with BOF and the main club each day was the registered club for BOF purposes but the event was also covered by SOA insurance and the insurers were notified each time that the event was being held. There would need to be additional event insurance for WOC 2024 and WOC Tour on the same lines.

6. Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the Board would meet 19 June and 26 June (now 27 June) at 7.30pm unless a response was received from IOF earlier.