1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors 19/06/2023

Approved as read.

3. Moray 2023

KR confirmed that Moray 2023 was on budget in terms of the accounts circulated with a small surplus.

4. WOC 2024

The additional financial contribution which had been in principle had been offered by Event Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council was discussed. Concern was expressed that these sums would require formal agreement and in the case of the City of Edinburgh Council would not be possible until mid August.

This additional contribution together with the contribution agreed by the 6 Days Board and the in kind contribution by SOA would still leave a deficit in the budget. Event Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council are unwilling to share the residual risk which would remain with 6 Days Company.

Director’s responsibilities in respect of wrongful trading were noted and KR indicated that whilst the position was not an issue at present it was one which must be considered regularly. It was agreed that the accounts will continue to be updated regularly during the run up to this event.

The SEA visit is scheduled for this weekend and the planners have been advised of the position. The event director is going to discuss with IOF representatives potential changes in the event. Once potential changes have been identified a revised budget would be prepared for further discussions and the Steering Group would be reconvened.

Additional sources of funding were discussed together with actions which may reduce expenditure.

Event insurance together with the potential safety risks of the event were discussed.

Action: NH undertook to investigate potential costs of insurance together with insurance requirements.

5. Date of Next Meeting

DK to send out doodle poll re date of next meeting after SEA Visit.