1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Keith Dawson

2. Register of Interests

No change.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors (8th August 2023)

KR indicated that the minutes should be amended to show that a bimonthly check on budgets would start as at 30th September.

4. WOC 2024

SOA Board Meeting

DK reported that SOA had decided that the crowdfunding exercise would be deferred until a go/no-go decision was made as there was concern about the message it would send to start a campaign and then give money back a short time later.

Concern was expressed by the 6-Day Board that raising additional funds was being hampered by the lack of ability to discuss the situation.

Event Director Replacement

DK indicated that he had approached a number of potential candidates. One person was willing to take the job on and he was speaking to another individual on Thursday. There was potential to have a team to fulfil the role but this would cost more and it was agreed this would be discussed once there was a go ahead for the event.

SOA Q & A Session

KR reported that approximately 50 people attended the Q&A session and many pertinent questions were asked about finances and volunteer roles.

Feedback received to date from some Board member clubs was discussed:

GRAMP – think should go ahead as so close but concerned about lack of legacy and how it would benefit clubs outwith the central belt.
ELO – Currently gathering comments
CLYDE – Generally mixed feedback but also keen to see happen but think no benefit to club
INT – Club keen to see happen but unsure of legacy
ESOC – more in favour than not. Few negative comments and concern whether value for money.
BASOC – Think should go ahead but concern about legacy and possible increase in fees.

The Board discussed the views of the orienteering community and the funds which the 6-Days has returned to the sport from each event. The orienteering community benefits from new maps, mapping fund, club returns, money to SOA etc. Edinburgh does not benefit from new maps normally so this event would provide a legacy for Edinburgh.

Resilience Paper

KR went through the Resilience paper prepared for SOA. The paper examined all potential cases on the basis that December 2024 will be the low point in terms of cash flow before entries start for Deeside 2025. Potential cash situation highlighted if abort decision, V11 and if double lock utilised. KR indicating that he believes that v11 spend is sustainable from 6-Day perspective but need certainty about limits as anything beyond is not sustainable.

KR has prepared an overs and unders schedule to monitor known improvements / negatives to examine at the end of September with Bob Dredge. Potential variances were discussed – people (new ED) / volunteers/ policing and arena costs.

Approval of Budget v11 was discussed and it was agreed that it could be approved once clarity had been obtained on the new Event Director costs / Payroll costs paid to date and what is still to be paid.

Advert for Assistant Event Director has not yielded any applicants. Post to be readvertised.

Action: KR to obtain clarity on Staff costs in v11 of budget given new ED director

Risk Register

RW has gone through the draft which was not costed but ranked. Ranking seems sensible but the next exercise is to make sure we have a timeline as to when things should be happening and allocate who is doing what. The 6-Day company has its own risk register for 6-Day events and each day should have its own risk register. It was agreed that allocating values to risks could be tricky and assigning a high/medium/low risk would be appropriate. Richard Oxlade and Jon Cross are preparing a programme timeline for volunteers and this can be linked to the risk register when completed.

Roadmap/ Milestones

CE to report at next meeting.

Action: CE to report on roadmap.

Volunteer Recruitment

The requirement to fill the volunteer director within the Organisation Team was discussed together with the need to strengthen the S6D Board. All agreed that there was a need to strengthen the 6-Day Board and this would be progressed.

DK indicated that BOF had offered to provide some assistance with marketing and communications.

WOC Governance

The Board discussed governance structure prepared by RO and DK which should provide better oversight. This was to be discussed with the Steering Group on Thursday.

5. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 21st August 7.30pm