1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Keith Dawson.

2. Register of Interests

KR reported that he had assumed the interim role of President of the Aberdeen Dolphins until their next AGM.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors (5th July 2023)

Approved as read.

4. Matters Arising

5. WOC 2024

Steering Group Statement

DK confirmed that a statement had been issued by the Steering Group. It had been placed on the BOF members page and circulated by email to all SOA members. NH reported that as yet it had resulted in 10 volunteers coming forward and some clubs reporting back on members’ thoughts. NH to clarify with BOF whether they intended to circulate the announcement via email.

Action: NH to contact BOF re announcement to wider UK membership and report back to DK.

Additional Funding Sources – BOF

The terms of the BOF funding offer which had been circulated among those present were discussed and noted.

Additional Funding Sources – Event Scotland/ City of Edinburgh Council

It was noted that there had been no further confirmation from either partner as to additional funding but DK would continue to press on this to see if it could be obtained by later this week.

Additional Funding Sources – Crowdfunding

It was noted that Mark Nixon had prepared a draft proposal. It needed to be approved by Event Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council but before it went the Board needed to agree its terms.

SOA Position

The SOA Board had congratulated the 6-Day Board on delivery of Moray 2023 but had requested sight of business proposal, progress on sponsorship and insurance.

The business proposal could be prepared now that we had the BOF proposal and the potential additional funding from other partners.

Event Team

It was noted that the biggest holes in the organisation team was the event director and volunteer co-ordinator. Other teams are being progressed but they need guidance and are in danger of losing momentum. Jon Cross was making progress filling some team leader roles with a view to Euromeet.

DK indicated that he had put out feelers for a replacement and had been in discussions with some contacts. There are two possibilities with an alternative solution in contracting to a team to deliver. It has been noted that the rate of pay is below the current market rate and was so even in 2018.


The Organisational Team have been emailed to ask to make progress obtaining certainty on the big ticket items now that we have certainty on the format. Bob Dredge is coordinating the budget information required by Event Scotland with oversight from KR. The budget will be re-forecast at the end of every other month from September onwards.

The size of the deficit was discussed and how this could impact on the delivery of Deeside 2025. KR undertook to update the analysis. Once the budget is updated it needs to be signed off by SOA that they are happy to proceed with the clarification of responsibilities.

Whilst there is still the potential for sponsorship and crowdfunding the big issue would be if the event requires the use of all of the contingency. The impact on the ability to deliver future 6-day events was discussed and all agreed that the most important thing was to ensure that delivery of WOC did not impact on our ability to deliver future 6-day events.

The Board agreed that at present they felt the risks were too high unless there was more certainty on the event cost side. Concern was expressed on potential staffing cost rises.

It was agreed that it was important to progress crowdfunding / sponsorship leads before deciding whether or not to proceed with the event. Crowdfunding proposals should be agreed with partners as soon as possible and put out to the orienteering community. It was agreed that we have to be clear with partners that we need to allow crowdfunding proposals to go ahead. DK made it clear that the risk of proceeding is too high without indication of potential additional funding.

Action: Board to agree crowdfunding proposal and pass to EventScotland for approval asap before publishing next week. KR to update financing and share with Board.

6. Date for Deeside 2025

Agreed week commencing 27th July 2025.

7. AOB

Draft questionnaire for Moray 2025 to be sent round Board for comment before circulation.

8. Date of Next Meeting

15th August 7.30pm