1.  Apologies for absence

Donald Grassie, Murray Strain

2.  Register of interests – check & update

Register passed round, updated and signed by all present.

3.  Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 1 October 2009

Minutes were approved. Proposed AH, seconded RL.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes of 1 October 2009

Item 11.  SOA Major Event strategy.  LW expressed her concern that the minutes of the SOA Board meeting on 31/10/09 did not accurately reflect the position of the 6-Day Board as recorded in the minutes.  LW to raise with DG.

5.  Director resignations

Andrew Dalgleish has resigned as Technology Director owing to other pressures.  Several suggestions were made for a replacement – Murray Strain, Dave Nicol, Brad Connor, Robin Strain, Paul Frost.  Agreed that LW will ask Robin Strain and if he is not willing, ask who he would recommend.

JE indicated his wish to resign from the Board in the coming months, once the technical coordinator for Oban is established in the role.

GBJ is willing to continue on the Board as past-coordinator until the 2011 event.

LW will write to AD and Mike Atherton to thank them for their contributions to the Board.

Equipment Director – LK presented a draft remit for an equipment director but it was generally felt there was no need for a director with specific responsibility for equipment.  Davie Frame (equipment coordinator for Tay 2009) has prepared extensive notes and LK/SF will work on making these into a manual.  An equipment officer is needed to ensure the kit in the store at Glenmore Lodge is kept in good order – perhaps someone from Basoc?  LW to raise informally with Hilary Quick/SOA.

6.  British Orienteering levy and Tay 2009

LW said that there was a difference of understanding of the outcome of the meeting held with BO in August 2008 and there were no agreed minutes of the meeting.  The financial effect on the levy was small but there was an important point of principle involved about encouraging participation on the colour-coded courses.

There will be proposals for change to the levy system at the BO AGM – LW to circulate details.

Agreed that there will be no need to plan separate colour-coded courses at Oban 2011.

7.  BO event rules 2010 and event guides

JE noted that there were no changes to the rules which would have a significant effect on the 6 Days.  It was noted that Event Guideline A now allows 6-Day embargoes to be set by the SOA fixtures secretary.
Adjustment requested by SOA Fixtures Secretary (as embargoes regulations was incorrectly reported) so the second sentence now reads: “It was noted that Event Guideline A currently allows 6-Day embargoes to be set by the SOA Board via the SOA Fixtures Secretary.” (amended by Lynne Walker, 2nd March 2010)

8.  2011 event – Oban

RL reported that access is now agreed for all six areas and detailed arrangements for parking/assembly are progressing.  There is a new landowner at Muckairn and negotiations for use of this area to add to the Ardnaskie map are progressing well.  All landowners are cooperative.  There will be some significant traffic issues on some days and a carefully thought out traffic management plan and close liaison with police will be needed.

Campsite plans are progressing well.

Car parking fields may be soft after wet weather so car sharing must be encouraged.  Bussing may not be feasible because of narrow access roads.  Cycling to events could be possible on Days 1, 5 and 6 but too dangerous on other days.  An extra marquee should be provided at assembly for use of bus passengers/cyclists for changing etc.

Club allocation to days will be done soon so that officials can be appointed by spring.

Some key posts on the Central Organising team still unfilled.  LW is writing remits for the COC.  A Huddle site is set up to reduce need for COC meetings.

9.  PWT

LK has agreed to be link director.

Event progressing well with funding on target and high level of cooperation from Perth.  Aiming at 30 best orienteers in the world.  Entry fees to be determined at next committee meeting.

10. Finance Report

Tay 2009 made a better than expected surplus of £26k.  Key factors in affecting the surplus are campsite costs and the level of sponsorship.

It was agreed that a club distribution of £10k be made, maintaining the level of 2007.

The level of reserves is now high (with £50k to be paid in levies and to SOA).  RO to prepare a discussion paper on financial policy with regard to the level of reserves necessary and how funds can be used to best maintain the event standards and contribute to the promotion of orienteering in Scotland.

Suggestions made for use of funds:

  • Replace T-bars with something lighter – fibreglass or alloy
  • Ensure 3 sets of SI units are available.  Ideally one set should be borrowed from clubs; clubs should be encouraged to apply to BOF Development Fund to finance their own SI kit.
  • Mapping, matching funding from Leader
  • Pass to SOA, perhaps ring-fenced for specific projects

11. Business Plan

LW thanked everyone for their contributions to the plan and all agreed that Google docs was a successful means of improving the document.  The aim is to produce a plan to use internally and in negotiation with potential sponsors.

A few suggestions were made for further improvement and LW will return it to Google docs for another 10 days to allow everyone to make further input.

12. 6 Day Company and SOA – JK 2012

LW proposed that 6-Day involvement in JK 2012 should be limited to provision of manuals, technical expertise, equipment etc.  Since the JK is a BOF event the 6-Day Company has no role in managing the event or taking financial responsibility.  Agreed by all and LW to inform DG.

More generally, the same would apply to any BOF event held in Scotland.  6-Day involvement in any other event would be considered on its merits.

13. 6 Day Event 2013

George Esson (Gramp) has agreed to take the role of coordinator if no one else is willing.  LW to write to George and to ask Paul Caban to register the event for 28 July – 3 August 2013.

14. 6 Day Event 2015

LW proposed delaying any decisions on this until plans for JK 2012 are clearer.

15. Professional Officer business

Most of SF’s report already discussed. 2011 and 2013 events, PWT.

LW asked SF to monitor clubs’ success in applications to BOF Development Fund.

16. History of the 6 Day Company

LW to put John Colls in touch with RO who has paperwork from Donald Petrie.

17. Any other business


18. Dates of future meetings

Monday 24 May, minutes GBJ

Tuesday 28 September, minutes SF

Venue for both dates: RO