1. Welcome and Apologies for absence

AH welcomed PM to the meeting in her capacity as SOA Secretary, and later to Ian McIntyre as SOA Treasurer.  Apologies received from Richard Oxlade (RO)

2. Register of interests

Checked & updated.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 15 May 2013


4. Matters arising from previous meeting

SI issues.  Not pursued, SIM’s changed anyway.  RS went to touch-free event, very interesting. Currently BOF rules state we must touch the unit, so not acceptable for larger events meantime.  Probably not in use in 2015.
COT remits:  LK working on it and to send CM his own remit. AP1 – LK

5. Chairman’s Annual Report

AH had already circulated her report for 2012-13. There were no changes to Board membership during the year and this had provided beneficial stability.

6. Approval of 6 Day Company Accounts 2012-2013

Approved.    Due to the size of the Company there is no need for the Accounts to be formally audited.

7. Finance Report

KM had previously circulated various updates.

RS suggested we look at some of the figures quoted for computer equipment and will provide KM with up-to-date valuations (e.g. no laptops currently included).  AP2 – RS
Agreed to keep the Paypal account open for a little longer for AFSM sales.  AFSM supplement currently showing a loss of £585.  166 books remaining plus 500 supplements which will be sold at knock-down price in coming months.  CM will also take a bundle to give to landowners etc.  AP3 – KM, AH

8. 6 Day Event 2013 (Moray)

GE circulated an interim report as some items still be finalised namely the financial outturn, the EKOS survey results and some COT reports.  A fuller report will be produced for the November meeting.

Judging by comments the event was very much enjoyed.  The Event Scotland targets were achieved, and the two COT clubs worked well together.  The campsite venue was good, albeit with some problems regarding showers, and of course we didn’t make any money out of it as agreed with the NTS. Hired equipment team worked well but other aspects of equipment needs done better.

WOC 2015 will use SI expertise from within SOA/BOF and should not require SI personnel, leaving this available to the 6-Days team (Robert Findlay).  RS felt that at Moray the SI team was not used to best effect– problem runs could have been done by SOA person, not Andrew Leaney leaving him to do more complicated stuff.  RS to prepare an organisation plan of manpower requirements for the computing team.  AP4 – RS

CM had circulated both a 68-page report and a shortened version.  While GE was working on delivering 2013, CM was also trying to work towards 2015 requirements with various trials.  The crowd barriers were difficult to move about but the arenas looked good.  Heras fencing for results had good and bad reviews from day teams.  The event enhancements went slightly over budget.  There was good local press coverage but very few extra local competitors.  CM has made good contacts with local suppliers which will come in useful for 2015.

2013 Budget report:  There will probably be a significant surplus once everything is finalised. Danger of some enhancements becoming normalised and we may not have the grants available in future. Leader funding may still be available from the next round of the project.  There was less income from merchandising this year and no profit from campsite.  ALL directors to think what to use the surplus for – in particular whether some should be used to support Highland 2015.  AP5 – All

A list of issues from Moray was quickly worked through:

Agreed to refund officials/helpers who had pre-entered and were unable to run because of working at the event. GE will ask club secretaries for names.  AP6 – GE
A Starts Co-ordinator had been suggested – up to Day-Co-ordinator to decide.
Water: agreed that water in the forest is not needed provided competitors are informed.  Water should be available at the Finish for emergencies. Equipment team to provide, add to Organisers Manual (LK)   AP7 – LK
Provisional results should be uploaded asap, finalised later in the evening.
N: RS to look at possibly an N for calculating points and a different N for badge calculations. AP8 – RS
Agreed T-shirts should be provided for all helpers.
Agreed that commentary should be provided in 2015 but radio controls at last control/finish only.
Agreed a larger programme booklet will be needed in 2015.
Agreed a longer computer tent is needed.
Agreed there should be no Green course in 2015 – many people switched from older short courses to save money  – not the additional EOD’s, locals and less-committed people we’d hoped for.
Agreements and Contracts:  we need to be tighter on these, especially when things go wrong.  Agreed move to a parking permit in future to encourage people to share more.
Publicity material:  lots of VIP’s surprised at the set-up.  We should have an information leaflet to hand out.  Video footage from Moray is available to produce a short presentation about 6Days. AP9 – RL
Enhancements:  EventScotland have said that similar amount of money will be available in 2015.  So potential for Climbing wall, bouncy castle, o-simulator …  All to make suggestions.  AP10 – All

9. Highland 2015

RO had circulated an update.  All areas identified and which bits to map almost finalised.  Some river crossings to sort out.  DK will seek planners and controllers shortly – not necessarily from the clubs on those days.  Event Centre/Campsite not finalised but CM would prefer them to be in the same location.  Brodie Castle was good for camping but short in other areas.

Funding:  CM is meeting with Highland and Moray Councils shortly.
CM will put together a programme showing how the two events fit together.   AP11 – CM
A couple of key roles not yet filled – Equipment Team Leader and Rest Day Co-ordinator.  Busses/Road/Social all in place, and INVOC now getting involved.

After an issue with MOR map copyright we need to clarify the position about one of their areas which is being used for 2015.  Also the Forres sprint map.  AH will speak to MOR.  AP12 – AH

The 6-Day/BOF Agreement won’t be signed until the WOC Budget is agreed.  Marketing of the 6 Days needs to move forward even though there is no one in place for WOC marketing.  A promotional t-shirt to sell in early 2014 was discussed – to be worn at events at home and abroad during spring/summer/autumn 2014.

Agreed to buy one more laptop now, but more will be required in 2015.

10. A Few Surplus Maps

Discussed earlier under Finance Report.

11. 6 Days 2017

Exact dates still to be agreed, and 6-Day link Director.  DK indicated he may be willing.

12. SOA Professional Officer

Apart from 2013 and 2015, working on Forestry Commission and Ministry of Defence Agreements.

13. SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company

SOA and WOC 2015 have signed off an agreement regarding CM’s time, estimated at 1 day per week.
Race the Castles:  1000 anticipated competitors/runs but RAS thinks organisation behind where it should be with a year to go.  A pre-event t-shirt has been designed.
RDO for Highland – Highland Council may be willing to provide funding.

14. Any Other Business


15. Future Meetings

20 November 2013 (RL on Minutes)
12 February 2014      (KM on Minutes)

Meeting closed 9:30pm.