Welcome & apologies for absence

Apologies: Dave Kershaw

Register of interests

The register of interests had been sent out with the papers for the meeting. All Directors were asked to inform DK of any changes. Nothing was identified for addition. Action: DK

Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 15 September 2021

Approved with no comments.

Matters arising from minutes of 15 September 2021 (not covered in the agenda below)

None to be covered here – covered under the agenda.

A possible change in the Company Name will be debated in a future meeting.


This was held in conjunction with the meeting – see separate minute.

Finance report

KR presented a brief report detailing the financial outcome of the Lochaber event and the current cash position of the Company once all the transactions had been settled.

Lochaber 2021

  • Donald Grassies’s mapping report was discussed, with the recommendations noted and training in Condes etc. The issue of committed volunteers and rewarding them were discussed, with refunds. Mapping costs for Moray 2023 were also discussed with a number of the potential areas fairly recently mapped or updated.
  • Robin presented a computing report from Keith Brown and Robin’s comments on this. It was agreed it would be discussed further at a future meeting.
  • Robin raised the prospect of the SI units and renewing batteries and the meeting agreed to continue to keep the stock functioning for the next few years.
  • It was proposed to delay renewing computers until an agreement had been reached for going forward with the Moray 2023 computer lead.

Moray 2023

EF gave a summary on progress:

  • Areas: Nikki had been doing a good job liaising with access for areas which would hopefully be finalised over next couple of months.
  • Technical & Day Organisers manuals: Process of taking the previous manuals and updating was outlined and discussed.
  • Events Manager: an advert is being collated by Dave and Richard and it is hoped to be out soon. The exact focus of the professional officer job description may change slightly.
  • Website: Designed by Hillside and Michael Atkinson hosts it. Clarity on who does what is needed going forward to set up the Moray 2023 site. Graphic design ideas for the logo are still ongoing, mostly via Rachel Scott.
  • World Ranking Event: EF asked how this is to fit in and registered etc. It was suggested Jon Cross was consulted.
  • Treasurer: Karen had been in touch with Kevin re his role and a meeting was to be set up.
  • Event centre: This would be considered for the event.
  • Social programme would be not centred on the event centre but around other venues.
  • Campsite: No arrangements for a 6 day campsite so open to people to find one of the many other sites in the area.

WOC 2024

Some progress is being made on replacing members of the COT. Future events manager will be the liaison for the 6 day Co with WOC. If they are not yet in post then potentially Paul McGreal will be able to update us.

6 Days 2025

TOB had prepared a proposal for a 6 Day event in Southern Scotland and will report back to the Board at the next meeting.

The three points were:

  1. Do we change the overall format?
  2. Regional financial benefits – are they significant? Scottish southern event could still be investigated. The main restriction will be driving distances which are not popular with competitors.
  3. Review criteria and areas for next meeting.

Succession planning

A discussion took place on how long people should serve and how a number of people changing at once would have an effect. Review required and a list of service start dates.  Action: DK/KR

Strategy and Business Plan (for initial discussion: 2017 – 2025 plan attached)

A discussion is required to start on the next phase – to be needed in (say) 2023/24. May need to review due to changing socio-economic changes, e.g. COVID and Climate change/carbon footprint etc.

SOA business relevant to 6-Day Company (RO)



Ben Hartman has applied to the Scottish Government via Sport Scotland for assistance from the Covid recovery fund.

Future meeting dates

TBC February/March 2022 (via Zoom) Action: DK

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.