1. Welcome and Apologies

DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Robin Strain (RS).

2. Register of Interests

No changes reported.

3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Directors (7/11/2022)

Approved as read.

4. Matters arising from Minutes of 7/11/2022

No matters to be dealt with other than items on the agenda.

5. Format of future 6 Days Events

DK indicated that the purpose of this discussion was to look at the length of the event and the type of races.

It was discussed whether the sprint should be incorporated into the 6 events perhaps through the use of a long start window could be held in a morning/ afternoon session.

It was noted that the this year’s event has a sprint event on the rest day so it was questioned whether it is a rest day. IT was noted that the entries for the sprint were already higher than this time in 2019. It was agreed that feedback would be taken from this year and the size of the sprint entries would be monitored with a view taken after the event.

It was highlighted that one of the reasons the decision had been made to limit it to 5 days of forest was that there had been difficulty in finding 6 good areas if the event went south. Incorporating a sprint event into the larger event was agreed to be potentially something which could be developed.

The safety issue of having a full scale sprint in an urban area was discussed and raised that potentially the sprint would have to move to the beginning or end of the event as with approximately 3,000 people a campus is usually the safest option which may not be located near the forest areas.

Other reasons had been because of volunteer fatigue and people struggling to get holiday accommodation for the full week due to changing rental dates. There had been 200 fewer entries on the Saturday previously.

The principle of providing a high quality event was agreed as an overarching principle.

Action: review after Moray 2023 and obtain feedback from competitors.

6. Strategy and Business Plan 2023-2030

The draft strategy and business plan had been circulated. It was agreed that all would send their comments to DK and that the plan would be refreshed in respect of the photos included.

Action: all would send comments on plan to DK for next meeting.

7. Finance Report

It was noted that the interest on the savings account had increased. BH and KR agreed to discuss potential ways to increase the interest.

The February 2022 Financial Statements had been filed and the tax return for the company required to be submitted for the end of the month. The tax payable was negligible relating only to interest.

£60,000 had been advanced to Moray 2023.

Current cash balances and commitments

Current status of 3 accounts is :
Cash balance at 31 October is £124,000: £48,000 of which is ring fenced for WOC and £75,000 for the purposes of 6 days activity.

Action: BH and KR to discuss potential ways to increase interest return on cash.

Mapping Fund

List of applications had been circulated and would be considered at next meeting.

8. Moray 2023


As of end of January stand at 1724 in comparison to entries for 2019 which were 2475 by the end of June. Currently every day has a 250 + increase compared to January 2019.


To date competitors have indicated they are bringing 121 campervans. This will have a knock on effect meaning that buses will have to be used. Parking is being sourced in Forres with occupants having to be bussed from there to events on Days 4 and 5- some uncertainty about parking for that number of campervans on Day 3.


Timelines for the most part being complied with but Day 4 (long Culbin) late with benchmark courses. Distances to start had been an issue.


Day 2 Darnaway has been agreed as a world ranking event but no response from IOF re Day 3 Roseisle. Decision had been made to withdraw the application as unlikely to be granted WRE status and need certainty.


A4 Printing had agreed to sponsor the programme and this is being drafted at present.

Event Computing

RS yet to respond to computing team about equipment. DK to chase RS for details of what is available, its location and when it can be transferred to team.

Action: DK to chase RS re event computing equipment.

9. WOC 2024

Personnel/ Volunteers

It was noted that Iain Smalls had been appointed the arena manager to prepare the necessary plans for EPOG and ensure health and safety for event.

Still awaiting appointment of Marketting and comms role, part of WOC Office and volunteer manager.


Budget is being refined at the moment. Event Scotland and City of Edinburgh council are unable to confirm additional funding but they are still hopeful for future.

KR indicated that Bob Dredge the WOC treasurer had discussed hedging event funds in respect of Euros as IOF require payment in Euros. The potential payment of IOF after entry payments have been made is being explored.

WOC Tour

WOC Tour has discounted using each WOC area as too tights re time. Lindsey Knox is a organising and is currently finalising schedule.


Expressions of interest have been circulated and first expressions received.

Timing/ computing

Scottish Athletics have indicated that they can help with finish but insurance of equipment has to be obtained. In terms of IOF rules need GPS but this is difficult and it is being looked at further.

Following events being used for a dress rehearsal:-
Euromeet, Race the Abbeys, WOC Test Race 2024, Wester Hailes/ Kings Buildings.

Event Levy

BOF will not waive levy for WOC Tour but will support in excess of levy for the event.

Assistant event director

Replacement required for NH and DK to discuss this with Paul McGreal.

10. 6 Days 2025


DK indicated Deeside clubs had agreed to stage the event on their areas but not provide manpower. An advert for a coordinator will be prepared and the main officials.

Southern Scotland was highlighted as a potential venue for 2027 but it required more investigation. Possibly 2 days on MOD land and 2 days at Loch Doon.

Action: Request for coordinator for 2025 event to be circulated.

11. SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company

Following on from insurance seminar held by BOF, SOA are to investigate whether insurance requires extension of cover.

Club Listening project currently being carried out.

Action: Decision re registration of 6 Days after BH and NH reported back.

12. AOB


13. Date of Next Meeting

TBC 1/2nd week in May.

Action: DK to put out doodle