1. Welcome & apologies for absence.

Apologies: Ross Lilley (RL), Colin Matheson (CM), Lindsey Knox (LK)

2. Register of interests – check & update.

Circulated and completed.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 20 November 2013.


4. Matters arising from the minutes of 20 November (and not covered elsewhere in the agenda below).

  • AP1: AH has written to George Esson thanking him for his contribution to the success of Moray 2013.
  • AP2: LK is working on the COT remits and most are now updated. AP1
  • AP3: RS has provided a list of computing equipment to KM. Most of the equipment is held by RS.
  • AP4: KM advised that the Paypal account is up and running.
  • AP5: LK has updated the Organisers Manual and is working on the Equipment Manual. AP2
  • AP8: The payment to clubs from Moray 2013 has been made.
  • AP9: The provision of £10K to the SOA development fund for mapping has been agreed with the SOA. Terry O’Brien will be taking this forward and it was agreed to pay the money to the SOA. AP3. KM to arrange payment.

5. Finance report.

KM is awaiting the final cash payment from Moray 2013. He is looking into Directors liability insurance. RAS advised that it may be possible for this to be covered under the SOA policy and KM should contact the SOA Treasurer. AP4. KM to contact the SOA.

RAS noted that the BOF insurance policy only covers non-members for 3 runs. This may be an issue for non-orienteering volunteers and overseas competitors (though they may be covered by their own travel insurance or their own national association). Clare Macpherson is looking into this for the SOA. There is also a need to insure the campsite. AP5. KM to investigate campsite insurance and explore other insurance aspects for 2015.

6. Information Leaflet and video.

Carried forward as RL not present. AP6

7. Highland 2015


RO advised that the programme was on the website.

Access arrangements are on track but agreement is needed on the costs e.g. with FCS for parking at Glen Affric. Re-seeding insurance would be expensive and this item would be omitted from agreements if possible. RO preferred car parking fees to be wrapped up in the entry system but to be kept separate from entry fees. An increase of £1 in the adult entry fee would raise £18K on the estimated entry and is equivalent to the expected car parking fees.

CM had provided an update on areas and the infrastructure requirements. There is only £10K in the budget but 2 bridges will be needed. A converted crane bridge would be used at Glen Affric and a pontoon at Strathfarrar which could also be utilised as a second bridge at Glen Affric. Safety certification would be required particularly as the Strathfarrar bridge is downstream from a hydroelectric scheme. AP7. CM to progress.

Clive Masson is covering mapping for both the 6 Day and WOC. Glen Affric and the urban areas have been completed and Darnaway is 95% complete. Strathfarrar will be started in Spring 2014 and Keppernach updated in Winter 2014/15. The WOC training areas and the urban model event are outstanding. The total WOC and 6 Day mapping budget is £85K (WOC – £25K, 6 Day – £60K) though this may reduce a little.

Robert Findlay is producing an on-line spec for entries but which non-6 day events (e.g. urban / sprint) should be pre-entered is still to be decided.

It was agreed that 6 Days should use screens and commentary where this doesn’t overlap with WOC races.

CM had provided a report on the event centre. There is £2.5K allocated in the budget but this may need to increase. The event centre will include a campsite, space for traders, meeting rooms for WOC, a lecture theatre for briefings and presentations and space for registration, 6 Day office and results teams. The completion date is targeted for July 2015 which is very tight and the need for a fallback was a consideration. AP8. RO to investigate.

There were 24 planners and controllers required for the 6 day events (with more for urban and sprint races) and 18 volunteers had put their names forward to date. DK would be contacting possible individuals to fill the gaps. Organisers were in place for 3 days. AP9. DK/LK to progress.

RO noted the responsibilities for COT members with a smaller central team than normal and other team members reporting in to the central team rather than all reporting to him. Links should be established with equivalent WOC team members though there was a gap on the marketing side. There was a WOC steering group meeting tomorrow at which more information may be forthcoming.

Co-ordination with WOC was needed with regard to traders.

The appointment of a rest day co-ordinator was with Paul McGreal to progress but AH noted that she was willing to take on this role.

Merchandising was in the marketing area and needed to be progressed.


RO presented the 6 day budget and a summary of the combined 6 day / WOC budget. The 6 day budget had been prepared on 3 entry level assumptions – 4000, 4250 and 4500. At 4500, the budgeted surplus is £57K. There was a £20K contingency in the 6 day budget and an estimated £45K provisionally expected from funding though this is not certain at present.

The combined budget surplus is £89K before contingencies.


RS noted that he was concerned about the dropping of a Green course though this had been done as a result of the larger than expected number of competitors switching from the main event to colour coded at a significantly reduced cost at Moray. After discussion, it was agreed to reinstate a Green course but at an increased level of entry fee.

8. 6 Day 2017

AH had written to Jon Musgrave to confirm that one middle distance race was acceptable but not two. No further information was available at this time.

9. John Colls Memorial Trophy

This was with Sue Harvey for consideration. A memorial event would be held on 29 March at Flotterstone.

10. SOA Professional Officer

No report as CM was not able to attend.

11. SOA business relevant to the 6-Day Company.

RAS noted that Hilary Quick was visiting each Scottish club to discuss their needs and to assist them to take advantage of WOC 2015. She would be discussing local promotion and membership advertising with them.

An admin assistant would be appointed at Glenmore Lodge to manage a Club + SOA membership option and to produce a membership package to support clubs. Contact details would also be kept for SOA members. Clare Macpherson was looking into insurance aspects for the SOA.

12. Any Other Business

The emails from LK regarding string courses were discussed and it was agreed that the preference was for waterproof printed maps on a common template. AP10. LK to incorporate in organisers manual.

13. Future meeting dates

Next meeting: 7 May 2014 (RS to take minutes)